Slow Cooker Apple Crisp Recipe

Day 4.
It was stormy and icky outside today. We're all still sick and were stuck inside---I had a bunch of work I was trying to get done and the kids seemed fine playing with cardboard and tape. So much for the thousands of dollars worth of Christmas toys.

When I emerged from my computer fog, I started poking around the kitchen. After last night's cooking disaster, I was determined to make something that everyone would like. Or at least eat.

I scoured the fridge and cabinets and came up with enough ingredients to make an apple crisp. I also hoped the smell would put us in good spirits and warm the kitchen a bit.

Ingredients used:
9 smallish apples
1/4 cup butter
1/3 cup brown sugar plus another 2 tablespoons for crumb topping
1/4 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
1 cup crumb topping:
[since we're gluten-free, I used GF gingersnap crumbs mixed with crushed Perky-O's. You could use anything that you normally use for a crumb topping---smashed cereal, graham crackers, oats, cookies--whatever.]


Preheat your crock on high, and butter the inside of the stoneware. Chop up the apples and plop them in the bottom and cover with the remaining ingredients. Cube your butter.
Toss the orange juice, cubed butter, brown sugar, vanilla and apples together.
Smash up your topping of choice and add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar. Layer on top of apple concoction.
Cover and cook on high for approximately 3 hours, or until apples are sufficiently tender.

If you like your crumb topping crunchy (I do!) broil the uncovered stoneware on the lowest rack of your oven for 4-7 minutes.

huh. I need to clean the oven.

Serve with vanilla icecream.
Amazingly good.
I look forward to eating the leftovers for breakfast before anyone else wakes up.

more yummy stuff:

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at January 04, 2008

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What they say about this article

  1. I visit your site often. Tonight I made the Apple Crisp. Lick the bowl good! Tomorrow is the enchiladas... You are my crock potting hero! Michelle

  2. Mine did not come out at all like apple crisp. I had delicious cooked apples though that I served with dinner. My husband and my two year old loved them.

  3. this was fantastic -- easy, delicious and smelled GREAT for a cold windy day. i used lime juice instead of OJ (thats what i had).

    and as my husband will tell you: SERVE ALL APPLE DISHES WITH BUTTER PECAN ICE CREAM. (it really does taste good!)

    can't wait to try some other recipes!

  4. Anonymous1/17/2009

    Thank you for posting this recipe. I love your site! I just made this tonight, and it turned out great. I shared with several neighbors, and all of them loved it. I did omit the "broil" step, so the crisp could have been crispier, but it was still very easy and very good.

  5. Hi Stephanie,

    I made this and I don't think I would call what I made apple crisp. However, I WOULD call it the mostest-deliciousy-apple-stew-with-crunchy-stuff-on-the-top-EVAH! :)
    I served it with vanilla ice cream and it was da bomb! Everyone took seconds. My crispy topping was made of 2T brown sugar, crushed up ginger snaps and crushed up Nature Valley Honey & Oats granola bars. Yummers! If I make this again, I may see what it would taste like if I peeled the apples. The best part was at the bottom of the slow cooker was this beautiful thick appley syrup that I bottled up and we used for ice cream topping for days!!!!

  6. This was delicious! I have some for tomorrow! The bottom soupy stuff is great too! I can't believe how easy this was. The only problem is ds sliced his thumb while using the apple slice core thingy. Even with bandaging it took 10 minutes to throw this together! I broiled mine and the crunchies were great. I added some cinnamon to the top, nice touch.

  7. I wish your recipes included nutrition facts so I know how much of the good stuff and bad stuff I am going to be eating.

  8. Anonymous8/02/2010

    I have tried to serve this with my family and they loved it. Thanks for sharing this. I served it with a double dutch ice cream cause that's their favorite ice cream and it's a block buster!

  9. Tammy Parker9/17/2010

    loved this recipe, I tried it again with my own variation(I did not want to leave the house, weather sucked) for the top, crumbled up stale GF ice cream cones & gramam crackers. so nummy even the teenagers approved.

  10. LOL! I'm out camping this week and decided at the last minute to make apple crisp. But how to do it in the crock pot... hmmmm. I huffed it up to the ranger's station where I could get wi-fi with the laptop. I googled crock pot apple crisp and lo and behold your blog came up toward the top of the list. SCORE! I know I can eat it because it is gluten free! You are rocking my world.

  11. Sounds absolutely delicious! Definitely making this one! The ginger snaps for the crumb topping sounds like a really good idea. I love ginger snaps.

  12. Anonymous2/16/2013

    I just found your blog! this sounds REALLY good :) anything with appleas is amazing. Looking forward to trying it. Major props for using your crockpot every day! That sounds extremely challenging haha!
