Little Dipper Pumpkin Pie Dip Recipe

Day 284.

Happy Friday Fondue Day! This is neat dip to have as an after-school snack, or for dessert in the Fall. The kids ate way too much of it.
The flavors remind me of pumpkin pie cheesecake.

That's a very good thing.

The Ingredients.

--1 cup canned pumpkin pie mix
--4 oz cream cheese
--1/4 cup sour cream
--chopped walnuts, optional

The Directions.

I use my Little Dipper---these measurements are perfect for a little dipper. If you don't have one, you can put an oven-safe dish inside of your large crockpot.

Add the cream cheese to the Little Dipper. Top with sour cream, then pour in the pumpkin pie filling.

Cover and cook for about an hour, then stir well. If the cream cheese isn't fully melted, cook a bit longer. The Little Dipper doesn't have temperature settings, you just plug it in. If you are going to use a big crockpot with an oven-safe dish inside, cook on high for about an hour, or 2 on low.

Garnish with chopped walnuts, if desired.

The Verdict.

I served this with gluten free gingersnaps, pretzels, and apple slices. This was a big hit, and I'm going to make it again today for a playdate.

The eLume give-away is still going strong. Please leave just one comment with your email address before Sunday, 5pm pacific. I'll post the winners Monday morning.

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at October 10, 2008

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What they say about this article

  1. omg! i am making this tonight!!! yummmy!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous10/10/2008

    Oh my, this is a must do for pre thanksgiving snacking or for Christmas Eve. Fabulous!!!

  3. Easy and yummy! Yep, this one is for me!!!

  4. Anonymous10/10/2008

    everyone's been posting pumpkin recipes like wild on here lately... and i'm not complaining! i love pumpkin and this sounds like the filling of pumpkin cheesecake (aka the best part)

  5. Sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing the tip about a smaller dish in the big Crock Pot. Now I can make more of your Little Dipper recipes.

  6. sounds easy enough!

  7. Can you use just pureed pumpkin and add the spice? Or is there something else in the pumpkin pie mix that is necessary for the dip?

  8. That sounds so good!

    I've got the rotel/sausage/cream cheese dip in my lil' dipper right now at my desk! it really is awesome :)

  9. LOVE IT!! I LOVE PUMPKIN!!! I saw this post and made it for breakfast with bagels and apples!! It is awesome!!

  10. I made this for dessert--I'll be doubling it next time

  11. Anonymous10/10/2008

    Great snack. Thanks

  12. Anonymous10/10/2008

    If you use plain pumpkin you have to add spices and sugar. I had to check the Libby's web site to be sure. Now I'm on to make it because I just got a little dipper and have apples and left-over pumkkin in refrig. Thanks agains Stephanie!
    Mary Ann Dove

  13. You're a genius! That looks absolutely fantastic.

  14. Anonymous10/10/2008

    As much as I'm obsessed with your site, I must say that this is the first time I've said, "Oh my word, I am making this today, and nothing will stop me!" This is so creative and sounds fabulous!

  15. OMG. My dad is a cancer survivor and he can't eat most things. This really sounds like a good thing to make for Thanksgiving--which will really mean something this year.

    You are the best.

  16. In reference to Christy's question above, I think there *is* something else added to pumpkin pie mix that makes it different than plain old pureed pumpkin. I just don't know what it is?!

    I'd rather just use the pureed pumpkin and figure out a workaround, because we use lots of fresh grown pumpkins here and it seems wasteful to buy the mix for us.

  17. This looks like one of those recipes that will make your friends think you are an amazing cook. Thanks.

  18. This looks delicious! I will have to seriously consider a Little Dipper now--thanks for the recipe!

  19. hi guys!
    Christy, yes, pumpkin pie in a can has added sugar and pumpkin pie spices. You can search for the differences, but I'd start by dumping 1 cup pureed pumpkin in a bowl, then add 1/4 cup powdered sugar, and sprinkle in nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, to taste. I'm sure there is an exact science, but to taste will work.

  20. Oh, Yum, again!!!! I just can't wait to try this. Thanks.

  21. Anonymous10/10/2008

    Oh my goodness! This sounds so yummy! Thanks!

  22. I can imagine crushing the gingersnaps with butter and using that as a crust and pouring the pumpkin mix on top and chilling it and eating as a pumpkin cheesecake.
    I just drooled on my keyboard.

  23. Anonymous10/10/2008

    ohhh, this looks good, i bet this one smells good cooking too.
    anyone know who sells the little dipper? I checked walmart and luck

  24. Oh... my... gosh.
    I've had a can of pumpkin in my cupboard for WAY too long but didn't want to make pumpkin pie (hate the stuff) with it.
    But this? I think I'll have to give this a shot.

    Partially because I've got a secret love affair with cream cheese...

  25. Heather, I've seen some ads lately that is packaging the little dipper with a normal size crockpot for less then $30.00 for the two together. I was thinking it might be good to buy it and give the large crockpot as a Xmas gift and keep the little dipper for myself, grin. I think it was Macy's that was running this promotion last week so if you have one in your area you might call and check to see if they sell them separately.

  26. I'm making this tonight. I'm having a Gold Canyon candle party and need to serve some yummy stuff--this qualifies!

  27. Anonymous10/10/2008

    Thanks Diana....I just checked online, so I think that is what I am going to do...we have a camper, so I could probably just stick the extra pot in there

  28. This looks So Tasty!!!

    Cents To Save

  29. Heaven! You are actually getting me excited about cooking. You are a miracle worker!!!

  30. Anonymous10/10/2008

    This sounds delish!!! I am going to the store and stocking up on pumpkin right now!!! Thanks again for a great recipe!!!

  31. I created my own version with plain canned pumpkin and lower-sodium dairy products. (See the "making it healthier" link below.) Trouble was, both of my after-school snackers had to stay late today! (They weren't bad, they were busy.) Oh well, I'll see how it reheats at dessert time.

  32. YUMMY!!!
    My kids love anything with pumpkin so this will be a big hit. By the way I just love your site. I just came across it today and I can't believe all the great recipes. Keep blogging!!

  33. Anonymous10/10/2008

    We're carving pumpkins and having a potluck on Sunday and I'm definitely going to make this!!

  34. This looks delicious! I bet it would be good with graham cracker sticks too--like a graham cracker crust!

  35. we love anything pumpkin, Thank You!

  36. What a unique way to serve pumpkin! I am always looking for a new way to serve it.... I love pumpkin cheesecake (well I love anykind of cheesecake!) so I am very intrigued.

  37. OK. I know I come off as seriously the most picky eater ever (no eggs, no wal-nuts, don't even get near me with that tofu, I don't eat a lot of beef and I won't allow fish in my house_, but, sigh, yes, I have to add one more no no to my list. Pumpkin. Barf. It stinks and it just does not earn a happy homecoming with my tastebuds. So much so to the point that I can't do pumpkin candles, I hate those little orange pumpkin candies and I in general hate the color orange and all fall decor. It's all dead and dying and brown and blech. Pumpkins here are all wilty and nasty after about 1.5 days of the carving, so after all the hard work of degutting (seriously, could it get any slimier and grosser than that?) the pumpkin and making some crazy face that used to look like Freddy Kruger, after day 2 it looks more like Grandmother Willow from Pocahontas.


    Oh, but you go on and enjoy.

  38. Ok...I plopped everything in the crock after I posted my last comment. I ended up using regular pureed pumpkin and adding some sugar and pumpkin pie spice.

    We smeared it on toast after dinner. Tomorrow, we may even have some on pancakes or biscuits! Really yummy.

  39. A coworker of mine makes this dip (not in the crockpot, at least not that I am aware of) and it is delicious. Very cool that you can do it in the Little Dipper! (Which I don't own yet, but a girl can dream ....)

  40. This sounds so yummy!!!! I just love your blog and hope after your year you will keep going........Thanks

  41. Anonymous10/10/2008

    I can't wait to try this! Love your recipes


  42. what a wonderful blog site! I have this recipe ad others here to try out...perfect for a party dip this fall...many thanks also for the drawing opportunity! cindy

  43. Seriously, how does this differ from pumpkin cheesecake? If I wanted to make it like that would I just double the recipe or something and put it in a pie crust after it's done in the crock pot? Might just have to try it....

  44. yummo I trying it thanks

  45. i do love pumpkin - can't wait to try it!

  46. Anonymous10/11/2008

    What a great idea! I'm sad that 2008 is coming to an end.

  47. This sounds delish!! AND I like the idea of pre Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve. I love all things pumpkin.

  48. Anonymous10/11/2008

    I'm making this tonight for dinner with friends, and I got pretzels, nilla wafers and graham crackers to serve it with. I seriously don't want to wait for tonight. I want to eat it all now. myself. all by myself.


  49. What a great dip for Thanksgiving or Christmas snacks! Thanks again, Steph. This would also work with puréed butternut squash and a little maple syrup.

  50. This dip sounds great for this time of year. Love the website. Thanks again!

  51. I just put this in the crockpot, gave it a stir, then tasted. It wasn't sweet, and I expected it to be. So, I put brown sugar in. Yum! Now that I am reading the comments I see that I used just pumpkin and pumpkin filling. I added seasoning too the dip, I didn't realize the filling had sugar in it. Good thing I came to check the comments! I would have been sad with my not-sweet-AT-ALL dip! It is so yummy with the GF ginger snaps. I was so happy to find those.

  52. Anonymous10/11/2008

    I tried this today, it looked so good. A definite fall recipe, it tastes just like October (if October had a taste, that is :) ).

  53. I want to make this for the Festival at the church and I am wondering if it needs to be kept warm? I want to put the pumpkin dip in a bowl on a big plate with apples/pretzels and gingersnaps. Will it taste OK cool?

  54. Anonymous10/11/2008

    Would love to win a crockpot.

  55. Anonymous10/11/2008

    This is a fantastic idea and exactly what I needed, thank you so much!

  56. This sounds so good. The kids are going to love it! Do you think that nonfat greek yogurt will work instead of sour cream? I tend to use it as a replacement.

  57. Anonymous10/12/2008

    Delicious! Made it for "dessert" after the kids didn't eat much dinner and I won't feel guilty at all when they fill up on this!

  58. I made this this weekend. The kids ADORED it. They dipped apples, pretzles, and corn chips in it. I'm trying to figure out how I can get them to dip spinach in it! I packed some in their lunches this morning and they were psyched.

  59. I love your blog!!! I was wondering if you thought that I could double this recipe and put it in my 2 qt. mini crockpot...for a couple reasons; first, it looks yummy and second, I don't have a little dipper :)

  60. I don't have a little dipper, so I ended up microwaving this recipe, because I was dying to try it!
    I used the plain pumpkin and wondered what everyone else was commenting about regarding the sweetness. I added some Pumpkin Spice that I have and some sugar and it helped tremendously.
    You have the best recipes! Thank YOu!

  61. This was a huge hit this weekend and VERY yummy over vanilla ice cream, thanks!

  62. I made this and poured it over vanilla ice cream. Heaven!

  63. I made this the other day and LOVED it. I am making it again today, to send to my son's teacher.

  64. This was awesome...I practically licked the bowl after I ran out of dipping items. Thanks for sharing!!

  65. I am taking this to my craft night tonight. It looks delicious.

  66. Anonymous10/22/2008

    Just a note - I made this last night with pure pumkin mixed with 1 T. pumpkin pie spice and 2 T. splenda. I also used FF Sour Cream and FF Cream Cheese. It turned out great!

  67. Anonymous10/26/2008

    This was a big hit at 3 different events this weekend. I really like it at warm temperature or cold with graham sticks. My little wheat free guy liked it straight from the spoon. :)

  68. I definitely need to get me a little dipper. All I have is a 3 or 4 qt (I can never remember the size). This sounds amazing.

  69. wow so yummy sound delicious good attempt

  70. Anonymous2/17/2010

    smash hit! I made this for a dip contest at my office and came in 2nd place...not to shabby i think lol. There were ppl eating the dip who swore they hated pumpkin pie but yet said the dip was addicting! Thanks its a keeper now.

  71. I made this and doubled the recipe. I ended up with a lot of dip! I made it in my 2 qt slow cooker and it took much longer then expected. I'm assuming it took so long because I used reduced fat cream cheese. I wouldn't recommend it.. it was still lumpy when I served it. Very tasty though!

  72. Sounds fabulous and delicious!
