Slow Cooker Ultimate Breakfast Casserole Recipe

Sometimes the very best food doesn't make a very good picture.

I'm totally okay with that.

This is a wonderful breakfast casserole----it has pretty much everything you can imagine in it, and I was very close to calling it "kitchen sink breakfast casserole," but the girls thought that was kind of weird.

So, it's the ULTIMATE.

can't get any better than that!

The Ingredients.
serves 10-12

12 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
4 cups toasted (or stale) bread cubes (I used Pamela's Amazing Wheat Free bread)
2 cups shredded cheese (I used a 4 cheese Mexican blend)
8 ounces sliced mushrooms
8 eggs
1 1/2 cup milk (I used fat free cow's, any would work just fine)
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

The Directions.

Use a 6 quart slow cooker. This makes a lot! Cook bacon to desired crispyness, and toast the bread. Set these aside. Spray the inside of your slow cooker with cooking spray, and set that aside, too.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the shredded cheese, mushrooms, eggs, milk, salt, and pepper.

Put the bread cubes into the bottom of your sprayed slow cooker, and pour the egg mixture evenly over the entire thing. Place bacon pieces on top.

Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours, or until eggs have set, or on high for about 3-4 hours. When the eggs have completely set, and your casserole has begun to brown on top and pull away from the sides, take the lid off the cooker and let the steam and moisture evaporate for about 15 minutes before serving.

The Verdict.

Absolutely delicious!! Everyone in our house loved this casserole, and my grandma ate the leftovers and reported that they were wonderful.
This would be a welcome addition to a brunch, or to serve to overnight guests.

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at February 02, 2010

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What they say about this article

  1. Looks delicious! I've been following your blog for awhile & can't wait to try this one!

  2. I am constantly looking for savory breakfast options when I am feeling unimspired. I will definitely put this to use. Thanks!

  3. this sounds fabulous and my boyfriend would LOVE it!!! thank you!

  4. Anonymous2/02/2010

    Eggs cook very quickly on the stove or in the oven so I guess I am just wondering why you would cook them in a crock pot for 6-8 hours. Isn't it more work to plan when this would be ready for breakfast and make sure it gets turned on for when you would want it to be done (4-8 hours beforehand) than to just make this in the oven in the morning? I love some of your meat recipes that the lengthy cooking time adds to the tenderness/flavor of the meat but something like eggs or brownies in a cup (another recipe I remember reading) seems much easier to make the old-fashioned way.... in the oven in 30 minutes. Just a thought.

  5. hi Anon, you are right, eggs cook *very* quickly, and in my house, that's not a good thing! I put this on with a 3 week-old strapped to me in a sling, and it just wouldn't be safe for me to be standing over the stove or taking hot food out of an open oven.

    if you are able to use the stove or oven, than you are right!

    I also like that I can get the kitchen completely cleaned up before company arrives if serving guests.

    xoxo steph

  6. Looks delicious! I will be adding this one to my to do recipe list. Thanks.

  7. I found your blog about a month ago ago and I have tried quite a few of your recipes. Every single one was delicious. Thank you for sharing.

  8. I love breakfast. At anytime of the day. I can't wait to try this! Thanks for another great recipe!

  9. Making this this week!

  10. Sounds delicious! I can't wait to try it! :)

  11. Wow - this sounds amazing! Definitely making it this weekend!

  12. Colleen2/02/2010

    Looks delicious - particularly the GF bread. Can I ask, is that from a Pamela's mix or is that bread sold pre-made? I'm still on the hunt for a really good GF bread!

  13. This sounds really tempting - I wonder if it would overcook if I leave it for longer ? I would think putting this on on a Saturday evening and waking up to it on a Sunday morning would be delicious. It's like a whole english breakfast in a pot....

  14. see, if i tried to cook that overnight or something for breakfast, i'd be up all night in anticipation with those yummy breakfast smells!

  15. This looks delicious! I may replace the bread with potatoes...maybe its because I am an Idaho girl, but man my mouth is watering!

  16. Okay, I always make my egg casserole in the oven, but you may have changed me! Next time I make this I'm going to try it in the crock pot.

  17. Sounds really good. Thank you.

  18. Anonymous2/02/2010

    I make this in the oven all the time, but I love the idea of making it in the crockpot! By brother in law drools over this casserole!

  19. Anonymous2/02/2010

    The last time we made Soy Yogurt, we made it in a slow cooker; it just turned out fine! It was too runny the last time we made it; one time, it was jelled up too much; another time, it came out kinda funny because I used blueberry jam, instead of apricot jam, which is what I use now.
    We are gonna email your site to our daughter; we got her a slow cooker at Costco!
    bob and norma

  20. Anonymous2/02/2010

    I wouldn't be able to eat something that rich: eggs, whole milk, cheese, all in one dish. I have genetically aqquired high cholesterol and those ingredients are simply too RICH that they would plug my arteries. Sorry, Steph! :-)

  21. Swoon!
    I would call you my new hero...If I hadn't already done so!

  22. Looks great! Going to try it this weekend! Since I am late to bed, I will put it in right before I go to bed and it will be ready for the troops in the morning!

  23. Anonymous2/03/2010

    Fabulous - I am always looking for a breakfast in the crockpot. Love your recipes, and use them all the time!!

  24. Anonymous2/03/2010

    Love the idea of breakfast recipes for the crockpot! Maybe if something tasty and hot was cooked and ready to eat in the mornings the kids would not skip breakfast!

  25. Anonymous2/03/2010

    I can see this becoming a Sunday morning favourite - lovely to wake up to a cooked breakfast and a clean kitchen !

  26. For anyone who wants to cook this overnight but fears being kept awake by the wonderful smell (like me!)... try plugging it into an outlet in the garage or using an extension cord to get it out there. The smells should be pretty well contained in the garage and you might be able to sleep better! My mother-in-law taught me this and it works great.

  27. This sounds really interesting! Can't wait to try it out :)

  28. Reading all the comments . . . . . I read your blog because it inspires me to try things I haven't thought of on my own.
    I work all day and I love coming home to having dinner ready. . . . yes even though I could do this over the stove as soon as I get home.
    I too have been blessed with the high cholesterol genes. . . . I think I'd adjust your recipe to egg whites with maybe one yolk for color. . . turkey bacon or sausage. . . low fat milk. . . . I think I could make this have less calories with not much effort.
    Thanks for the inspirational recipes.

  29. This would be a perfect B.F.D. or Breakfast for Dinner meal. I love breakfast anytime of the day. Thanks!

  30. I like how you get your girls' input on your recipes, even the titles! I'm onboard with "ultimate" but I could have gone with "kitchen sink". ;-) Looks wonderful, Steph! This would work great the next time we have out-of-town guests.



  31. I love breakfast casseroles but never thought about slow-cooking one. What a perfect thing to make overnight!

  32. Perhaps it's best not to complain about how a dish might turn out until one actually cooks it for him/herself??? I make an egg dish that sits overnight in the refrigerator before baking it the next day for an hour -- this sounds just like that recipe, but instead of having to keep that 13x9 pan of gloppy eggs, milk and bread taking up room in the fridge all night, I can do this instead!

  33. Stephanie, This sounds delish and even looks good to me... I will be trying it soon! Thanks for all the great recipes... Have a fun filled day my friend.

  34. this recipe sounds yummy!! gonna try it this weekend but add potatoes!!

  35. I actually had made something similar to this in my crock pot based my mom's egg souffle that she makes everytime there is a brunch get together. Mine wasn't quite right, it was a little too firm. I think I'll try this next time.

  36. Yum! I'm totally going to make this, Steph!

  37. I saw this recipe yesterday, and as of right now, its literally in the crock pot cooking away. I am eagerly anticipating its delicious flavors! The only thing different about mine: Its only me and my roommate here so I had to cut the ingredients haha. (Although Im sure 10 servings wouldnt go to waste)

    Thanks for the recipe! Only 2 more hours to go until eat time!

  38. This looks good!

    I just bought your book, and it came yesterday. It looks fantastic - thank you!

  39. Anonymous2/10/2010

    Tried this over the weekend. Perfect thing to wake up to in the morning after a freezing snow!

    I didn't love the bread I used though - think next time I'll use plain old white instead of wheat.


  40. I tried a similar recipe quite a while ago and it seemed rubbery. Maybe I need to give this one a whirl! I linked to it on my weekly roundup - thanks so much for sharing!

  41. I just discovered your website and let me tell you, I love it! Being a medical school student, I use my slow cooker all the time just to make things easier. I was wondering if you think this recipe could be halved to fit in a 3 quart?

  42. Anonymous2/14/2010

    Made this for Saturday night dinner after our pet sitting rounds. Six hours on low was too long in my 6-quart Crock Pot brand "countdown" cooker. The very bottom next to the crockery was, erm, toasty :)- truly burned. But the rest was very tasty and hubby liked it. I'll just try four hours next time, and there WILL be a next time. Yum.

  43. Tried this 2 days ago. It was good, but the whole outside (any part touching the crock pot) was wasted-6 hrs in the crock pot was too long-the outside got waaay too crispy-almost burned. The inside was good though. We could smell it all night cooking (well 1am-8am). yummm. Think I would just make this in the oven next time :-)

  44. You could even add some sausage to it to! This looks like a recipe that I could do at midnight and set it to cook for 6 of 8 hours. Wake up and it is ready!

  45. YUM!! I'm getting married next weekend, and the bridesmaids and I have to wake up around 5 to start getting ready! This will be the best homemade breakfast ever served at 5:00 AM!!!

    THANK YOU, Stephanie!

    P.S. We totally registered for your recipe book :)

  46. Yum, I'll be tossing this together crack of dawn tomorrow for our Christmas breakfast party at the office. I'm using shredded potatoes in the bottom instead of bread, though - so fingers crossed for us!

  47. Hey! I just found your blog and am super excited to try all your wonderfully yummy recipes! I just was wondering...I've never really ventured in the crock pot area, but would love to try now! Do you think I could replace the bread with au gratin potatoes from a box? I would just be afraid they would burn if there not mixed in, but for presentation wise, I would love for the layers to really stand out. Thanks!

  48. Anonymous4/26/2011

    For whoever said this is a fattening/high cholesterol is super easy to make substitutions and you should start learning how to modify recipes. For this one you use Fat Free milk, turkey bacon, low fat or fat free cheese and egg beaters

  49. does anyone who can answer tonight :) think that if I made this ahead (tonight) and put it in the fridge so I could cook it on high in the morning, it would taste ok? I don't want to have it getting gross in the fridge, but I see a lot of recipes for the oven baked sitting overnight in the fridge. . this way it wouldn't burn right? :)

  50. Hi Shannon,
    It'll taste just fine-- but the concern is storing the food in the stoneware in the fridge and then putting the cold stoneware into the cooking element.
    The slow cooker manufacturers don't recommend that-- -they worry the food won't get hot quickly enough to cook away any potential bacteria, and they worry about possible cracking from the stoneware.

    If you do assemble the night before, let the crock sit out for a while to get up to room temp or so before heating. Or, assemble the food in different bowls/bags then layer into a roomtemp crock in the morning and plug in.

    I hope this helps a bit! email me if you need more help.

  51. I just bought a new slow cooker so I'm on the hunt for new recipes and found your site. Lots of great recipes I'm going to try, thanks! I I use a recipe similar to the above, baked in a 9x13 pan. A good alternative to the bread cubes is boxed stuffing mix like Stove Top (pretty sure someone makes a gluten-free type). They're pre-seasoned so they have a ton of flavor.

  52. Hi there. Love that this recipe uses bread instead of potatoes! I already had everything at home to make this. Question though. I have had mine on low for about 3.5-4 hours so far and it's seems as if everything may be close to being set but it's already burning on one side and possibly the bottom. I can't honestly tell if the eggs are set yet because my mixture of cheese and milk and eggs didn't distribute evenly so I have a layer of cheese on top, covering the eggs.

    Any ideas?

  53. Hi Krysta,

    it sounds like you've got a hot spot in your pot. I'm glad you're monitoring it! Unplug and uncover the pot and let it sit for 10 to 20 minutes. It might be already fully cooked and the condensation just needs to dissipate.
    If after the moisture on top releases and you check with a knife that you fine the eggs aren't fully set, you can slow cook again on low for an hour or so. You might want to rotate the stoneware, though, because of the hotspot.

    I hope this helps a bit!!

  54. I make some similar baked in the oven (after soaking in the fridge overnight) and was hoping I could do it in the cockpot to save oven space and have it hot and fresh as soon as we wake up, so yay! glad to have found this post! I make mine with bread, meat (usually chicken apple sausage, but have used ham, bacon, other types of sausage), mushrooms, eggs, 1/2 & 1/2 and cheddar cheese- mix that all together and top with more cheese. yummmmy
