Frequently Asked "A Year of CrockPotting" Questions

Frequently Asked Questions sections always seem so impersonal to me, but after a year, I can honestly say that most days I answer the following questions. At least once.

Anything you can possibly think of, crockpot related is answered here! Great roundup of valuable information by slow cooking expert and crockpot lady, Stephanie O'Dea

How do I print out recipes?

At the bottom of each recipe there is a small "print recipe" button. Click on that, then choose your desired font size. You can decide to omit all of the pictures. 

What happened to all the food?
We ate it, and shared with friends and family. We now have a very nicely stocked freezer.

What's up with the gluten free?
My youngest daughter has Celiac, and we have decided as a family to all eat gluten free while at home. If you are gluten free, please check all food labels yourself. Food manufacturers change ingredients often, and without warning. If you do not need to worry about gluten, ignore my notes and use the food brands you are comfortable with. You can read more about our gluten free story, here.

Do you travel with your slow cooker?
Yes. Bringing along a slow cooker when traveling ensures that your food is allergen-free and also saves a ton of money.

I even camp with it!

Did you save money during your challenge year?

No. We spent a lot on groceries this year because of the nature of the challenge. I cooked much more food than our family needed, and tried fancier ingredients/spices than I would have in a normal year. 

I figured this would happen and budgeted accordingly. Most people save a bunch of money by using the slow cooker, though. Here's an article on how to save money by using the slow cooker.

How much weight did you gain during your challenge?

8 pounds. Thank you for asking.

Was your family annoyed at you?
No, not at all. My family is and always has been incredibly supportive of all my endeavors. This really turned into a family project. My kids, husband, parents, brother, grandparents, father-in-law, and friends have all given recipes or recipe ideas. They've also enjoyed eating the food!

How did you get on the Rachael Ray Show?

I emailed the show.

Why are the comments moderated? Did you get a nasty commenter?
Sort of. A reader got me on a bad day and I didn't like what he wrote (he said that my food looked like slimy green poop and that I should take a photography class). 

He was right---the photo was horrid, but it still hurt my feelings. I've had the moderation on since, and I'm happy with it because I need to actually read (more carefully than before) comments and respond to questions.

Do you have any resolutions for the future?
Yes. I'd like to stop biting my nails, complete Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, get the side yard rocks moved to where they should go (or get Adam to do it), start and maintain more websites, begin a garden gnome collection, and not stress out so much.

I'm worried about the not stressing so much.

How do you come up with your recipes?

I have the best readers in the world, and they send me new recipes every day. I've got a ton bookmarked that I haven't been able to test out yet. I also read a bunch of food blogs  and watch Food TV. 

I also make stuff up. Sometimes it doesn't work.

I need to cook something for a group of people and it needs to be super-easy.
Taco Soup. It's always a hit.

Will you keep the site up?

Yes. It will live on in cyberspace, and I'll update it and maintain an email list. If you are Not on my email list already, sign up for it, here.

What kind of slow cooker do you use?
updated 11/12: I now use the Ninja Cooking System full-time. Here is a write-up about the Ninja, and here are the other slow cookers I recommend

If you are looking for a full write up on what size crockpot slow cooker to purchase, and how I make a BIG one work for smaller recipes, please go read this post: what size slow cooker should I buy for my family? 
Size matters! Be sure to pick out the correct size crockpot slow cooker for your family. This is a guide that lists all the sizes and how to make them work best for your family, whether or not it's big or small.

Do you still use your slow cooker(s) a lot?
Yes. I will continue to use my slow cookers probably daily (maybe almost daily), because that's the only way I really know how to cook! My kids are looking forward to me making some of their favorites again (especially brown sugar chicken, fish chowder, and 5-layer brownies), and I have a bunch of other recipes saved I'm dying to test out.

I also woke up to this last week, and am desperate to crank it up:

The Crock-Pot Trio. Thank you, Santa!

Will there be a book?

Yes. Make it Fast, Cook It Slow: The Big Book of Everyday Slow Cooking will contain over 300 tried-and-true gluten free slow cooker recipes, and will be published by Hyperion. It will hit bookstores everywhere on October 13, 2009.

What about lead?
GREAT QUESTION. And you don't need to worry about it. I have a very detailed writeup about whether or not your crockpot slow cooker contains lead right over here.

But that's not my question!

Email me. contact AT stephanieodea DOT com

Thank you. Thank you for helping me to make 2008 one of the best years of my life. I could not have persevered without the daily hand-holding from all of you.
My eyes well with tears when I go through and read the heartfelt comments you've left----you are all truly amazing.

Thank you so much. Happy New Year. 2009 is going to rock. I promise.

Need more? Read Frequently Asked Questions, Part II!

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at December 31, 2008

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What they say about this article

  1. Stephanie, your blog has been my absolute No. 1 fav this year. Thanks for all your hard work and I look forward to the book. Happy New Year and all the best to you and your family. Suzy

  2. I am so sad to not read a new recipe everyday!
    But- I am excited to go thru and try out all of your findings! Got a brand spanking new crockpot for christmas!
    Happy New Year! Thanks for all of your research!

  3. Oh, I was so sad to see "complete" at the top of your page today. I know you're probably not sad. I know you're probably exhausted. But I'll be sad enough for both of us.

    Thanks for the great year and all the great recipes. I know that my family has eaten a lot better since I found your site, and I loved how easy you made it to break out of my normal 5-recipes-and-repeat routine. And thanks for the humor with which you presented it. I like a girl who can laugh at and will admit to her own cooking disasters.

    Best to you in 2009.

  4. If I had a large collection of Crock Pots and had eaten Crock Pot food every day for a year, then I woke up to a triple on Christmas day, I might have cried. Not in a happy way.

  5. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Yay! I get to be the first to post a comment. I've been following this blog almost from the beginning and found it through a link from who-knows-where. We (my kids and I) have really enjoyed your blog this year and have tried some of the recipes. Yesterday it was yogurt. Thanks for all of the great tips and recipes! Happy New Year!

  6. I haven't left a whole lot of comments on here but I wanted to say Congratulations. I have followed your site for almost the entire year after a friend told me about it and you helped me open my eyes to a great and easy way of cooking. We got my mom the crockpot trio for Christmas! My mother in law fell in love with my smart pot and I wiped the dust off of all my crockpots and they are used on a regular basis thanks to you. You have made me laugh on a regular basis and I have told as many people as will listen to check this page out. I will miss checking it on a daily basis but can't wait for the cookbook. Thanks crockpot lady! You are the best.

  7. Congrats on the book, Steph! I will be one of the first to buy a copy. And congrats on surviving a year of crockpotting :)

  8. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I am sad to see the year end, but proud of you at the same time. You really did it. I don't know how, but you did. I've gotten a lot of ideas from you and I hope you will continue to post new ideas and recipies.

  9. Thank you for helping me be more adventuresome with my crockpot! I love crockpot cooking!

    I anxiously await the book!

  10. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Thanks for a great year of crockpotting, Steph! Best of luck in 2009! :-)

  11. Congratulations on a year very well done. I've loved seeing the daily recipes and being able to direct people looking for gluten-free to your blog. Happy New Year!

  12. Wow! Great job!

    Oh and on the 30 Day Shred. *grin* I ♥ Jillian. I've been on level 2 for awhile now, I'm askeered to try level 3. But dang are my arms looking toned.

  13. It's been fun watching you achieve your challenge (and trying some of the recipes). Happy New Year!

  14. I have really enjoyed your year of crockpotting. I have made quite a few of your recipes and enjoyed them very much. I am going to miss coming to your blog to see what you make next!

  15. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Thank you so much for the last year! You've done a wonderful job, and I will continue to read your blog in the future. You have shared some awesome recipes that will become staples in my kitchen for my family. Thank you again, and I'm looking forward to future recipes!

  16. You did it! Congratulations!

  17. Oh and when is your book being released? I didn't see a date on Amazon.

  18. Thanks again for this wonderful journey into the world of crockpot cooking, Steph. Your amazing fortitude, wonderful recipes, and healthy doses of humor have made 2008 memorable for me. I look forward to accompanying you on other adventures as 2009 approaches.

  19. I really love your blog! I got some great receipes, especially the curries, Indian food (I love Indian food), great hints on cool ways to do a roast, the soups, the dips (making some of those dips tonight!.

    I also really liked the way you admitted you had failures, not every dish was perfect and you told us what your family liked and disliked about each dish.

    I think you have done a tremendous job with A Year of Crockpotting! Good luck in 2009!

  20. I have LOVED reading your website and trying so many new recipes... you gave me a newfound excitement about cooking when I was starting to run dry in the kitchen.

    Best wishes to you and your family - you've made an impact on so many of us and have brought the family dinner table back together in many of our houses.

  21. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I have been reading your blog everyday since I saw you on Rachael Ray. I have enjoyed it and gotten my crock pot out a lot more. Best wishes for a wonderful 2009. P. S. I have spent the year doing genealogy research and I gained weight too.

  22. I've loved coming here every day to see what was in your crock pot. The comments were honest and reliable. Thank you for giving us this gift of yourself and your family this year!
    Good luck with your book!!

  23. You are my hero. I love crockpot cooking and you've reinforced that this year. May 2009 be the best ever for you. You rock!

  24. Although I just found you this month, I'm so excited about the prospect all of these new ideas that are gluten free with my crockpot, thank you!!!!!!

  25. Anonymous12/31/2008

    What will I do without a daily check into the crockpot queen??

    I admire you so much for your stick-with-it-ness. You set out to do this and actually DID IT. Congratulations!

  26. Steph, you are SO COOL and I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for what you've given to me since I discovered your blog.

    *I have used my CrockPot more these past several months than in the previous 8 years I'd owned it, combined. Probably three times as much, at least. I love to cook, and it's been so fun to discover this "new" way to feed my family!

    *One day I read your intro post and was astounded at the number of hits your blog gets. That inspired me to brainstorm, trying to think of a unique blog idea that would have a wider potential readership than my mommy blog. (Let's be honest--there are a LOT of mommy blogs out there!) I came up with an idea and implemented it, and while it hasn't been WILDLY successful, it has found a pretty good readership. Thanks for inspiring me to think "outside the box" as a blogger.

    *Speaking of my mommy blog, when I have blogged about your recipes, you have twice visited my blog and...gasp...COMMENTED! Seriously, it feels a little like I'm getting a visit from a rock star when you comment. My blogs don't get nearly the traffic yours do, and I know how much e-mail I get. There's no way I can visit all the blogs my readers have, much less comment on them, so when you've taken the time to visit mine--wow!

    Thank you for taking time to turn me into a better cook AND a better blogger! God bless you and your family in 2009!


  27. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Stephanie, 2009 is going to be a sad year--my mornings in '08 started with checking your blog. You have brought much enjoyment to my life this year. I'm excited about your book and look forward to the occasional post from you.

    God bless you and your family. Lynda

  28. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Stephanie, you are probably tired of hearing this, but you ROCK and we love you! Thanks for all your great ideas and encouragement to try new things. I do not know what I am going to do each day without your blog. I will probably go back and read it all over again. Hugs and many thanks to you! I'm making pizza dip tonight! Happy New Year!

  29. Thank you, Stephanie, for keeping up this blog! I've gone from being a casual slow cooker to being a total Pothead (CrockPothead, that is) since I found this blog. I even had to buy myself new paraphenalia, a smaller CrockPot so I could try out some of the cakes and other small-crock recipes you've posted. Sure, my family teases me a little, but they're more than happy to eat the food.

    I must also tell you that I love your recipe-writing style, and I hope your cookbook is written in a similar fashion. Your recipe introductions and verdicts keep me entertained and reading, even when they're recipes I can't use. (I've got different food intolerances: can't do red meat or dairy. So your no-pork, chicken sausage, soymilk-using ways make me smile, and have given me ideas on ways to adapt recipes for my own needs.)

    I'm happily addicted now, Stephanie... and I learned it from watching you!

  30. I LOVE this blog. My favorite tip was learning that fish could be cooked in the crock without making your house stinky!
    Thanks Steph, you are amazing.
    Happy New Year!

  31. Congratulations! I have thoroughly enjoyed this ride with you and my family's menu has been all the better for it!

  32. Anonymous12/31/2008

    yaaaaaayyy!!!! im so happy about the book! can i please get on a list for notification when its available? we love u steph and im so glad u will get to make some money and i will have all of ur successes from 2008 in a book! please let me know heatherharrison4 AT yahoo DOT com

  33. Thank you so much for sharing your challenge with all of us. I have been so amused and the best part was I found some wonderful things to try! I will miss checking in every few days to see whats new : ( Happy New Year to you and yours!!!

  34. I will miss hearing something from you do you feel about bread machines? Mine's collecting a lot of dust.

    Seriously, enjoy your New Year. Make your hubby take you out!

  35. Thank-You for all the wonderful ideas on what to cook for dinner. You always make me laugh which is an added bonus to the yummy food! Have a wonderful 2009.

  36. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I am going to be at a loss every morning - have become accustomed to checking out the crockpot recipe for the day. Thank you so much for all the great ideas - my favorites were the Indian chicken curry and the cornbread stuffing - thank you, too, for leaving the site up while you prepare the book. Can't wait to buy it in the fall!

    ... Leslie in Santa Cruz

  37. awww....i will miss your daily post!

  38. Wow..this year flew by! I've had such a great time following along all year and am glad to hear you'll continue to post recipes. Best of luck to you and your family this coming year Stephanie!

  39. Congrats on a completed year! I will miss the daily recipes but look forward to any new ones that you post. Most definitely will be buying the book as well. Your blog is what started me cooking (and I still do not cook a lot) so it is probably safe to say "thank you" from my hubby as well!

  40. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Thank you for replying to my email the other week. After two batches of my dads venison chilli, the stain is mostly gone. I think it will go away over time. I cannot believe that the year is over! You have worked so hard and it has been such a huge success! I was telling my dad about you, and how you gave me advice on my crockpot. He said "Your mom just gave you the same advice" and I said "Yea, well she hasn't been on Rachel Ray!" I am SO going to buy the book when it comes out!

  41. YOU DID IT!!!! It has been so much fun following your journey. You have inspired so many people through this. You should be SO proud of your accomplishment! I will continue to check your site for more amazing recipes and can't wait for the cookbook and to see what you do with your other blog!

    Best of luck to you!


    P.S. If you need help with designing your new blog, let me know. I'm a graphic designer. ;-)

  42. YOU DID IT!!!! It has been so much fun following your journey. You have inspired so many people through this. You should be SO proud of your accomplishment! I will continue to check your site for more amazing recipes and can't wait for the cookbook and to see what you do with your other blog!

    Best of luck to you!


    P.S. If you need help with designing your new blog, let me know. I'm a graphic designer. ;-)

  43. Congrats on year 1... why not go for year two? lol I will miss these daily posts. Now to catch up in the cooking department. I went to Target last night to get a Little Dipper for the rotel dip I wan to munch tonight but they did not have any. Sad. :(

  44. I am so impressed that you have actually made it a whole year. You are awesome. I have loved being able to read your recipes every day, and to see your triumphs as well as failures - I think I've learned a lot about the crock pot through your experiences, and I have used mine more as a result. You rock!

  45. you do know that i will be having withdrawals now. lol

    i can see a wealth of possibilities in that trio. -- a fondue party, mexican (queso, beans, taco meat) a trio of hot dips for a party....

  46. Congrats to you! I just discovered your blog in good for me...I can still read this and a lot of it will be new to me. I look forward to your new blog(s) and your cookbook...I WILL buy it. And stop biting my nails is on my resolution list too. I have some yucky tasting nail polish. Do you have any other ideas? Good luck to you. Wishing you a very happy 2009. :)

  47. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I have totally enjoyed your blog since I found you over the summer. I couldn't wait to get home from work everyday and see what yummy you'd posted. Hopefully, withdrawals from daily recipes won't be too bad.....*g* Thanks for all you've done!

  48. Anonymous12/31/2008

    steph, i feel like i'm going to cry!!! i hope i don't. haha. i'm glad you kept going with this challenge and proved to yourself that you could do it. you should be so proud of yourself!!

    now you can finally go out to dinner with your family for a normal meal or whip up pancakes on a frying pan.

    have a great new year!!


  49. I just found your blog about a month ago, and so sad that it's officially over! You've become known as "the crock pot lady" in our house...I think at first my hubby thought my new-found semi-obsession with the crockpot was humorous, but now if I mention that we're having a new recipe, he gets kinda excited and asks "is it a crockpot recipe?!" ;)

    Congratulations on making it a whole year! I can't even keep my resolutions for a whole month, much less a year. Like pretty much everyone else had said, I'll miss seeing a new recipe every day, but will totally buy the book!

    Oh yeah, thanks for all the recipes. The taco soup IS awesome - we just had it again Monday night!

  50. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Your blog has been my first place to check everyday when I get online! You did a great job and I really enjoyed reading your crock pot adventures everyday!!

  51. Thank you, Stehanie. I have been here for almost the whole year (probably started in Feb or Mar) and have enjoyed your blog very much. I am looking forward to whatever you come up for next year (could use help in the organizing part...).

  52. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I didn't discover you until October, but you've been a daily and favorite blog for this last quarter of 2008!

    Thanks for everything you've shared. I love your writing - you have a fan for life!

    And I now have a ton of already-tested crockpot recipes, which is priceless.

    Happy New Year and Thank You!

  53. Thank you for doing this. You have inspired me and guided me. I have branched out a ton with your help. I can't wait for the book! Thank you again and Happy New Year may all your dreams come true.

  54. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I have really enjoyed your blog and will miss your daily recipe. Happy New Year! Will look froward to the book.

  55. Thanks, Steph. I was won over by your blog and am happily crock potting a couple of times a month. I appreciate your sense of humor & for giving us honest feedback on how all the recipes turned out. I too told anyone who would listen about you and had at least one convert. Enjoy your freedom from daily posting - I'll happily await your book!

  56. A book?! Awesome!! Good for you!

  57. Anonymous12/31/2008

    You are AWESOME. Hope not one day goes by in 2009 that you are not reminded of that. Thanks for your humor (made me laugh out loud at my computer till my husband wondered what's up?!), great recipes, and including all of us in your tasty venture. Looking forward to the book.

  58. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I have thoroughly ENJOYED reading the blog this year, and am a little sad that the year of experiment is already over! :o) But I am glad to know that you will still be posting periodically! I will continue to keep you on my blog reader. There are a TON of recipes that I want to try! Thank you so much for doing this! I really do appreciate it! It's like having a crockpot recipe book always at the ready! Thanks again! Hope you have a very Happy New Year!

  59. Congratulations on this successful endeavor. And thanks for the year of fabulous recipes. Please contact me when your book is ready as we review cookbooks at my website (Hyperion might do it already as we get lots fo books from them).

  60. Anonymous12/31/2008

    You have been an inspiration! Just your commitment to post! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know we will all miss reading your blog everyday.

  61. Sorry if this is a duplicate...I got an error message...anyway, congratulations on fulfilling your resolution! I'm thrilled to hear about the cookbook. And that you'll continue posting to this blog. You've revolutionized my family's dinners, from Cheerios with milk to yummy stuff from the crock pot. Thank you!! Can't wait to check out the new blog.

  62. I only just found you today (the last day of 2008) and I'm really looking forward to reading through your recipes. I love to use the crock pot too, but I don't utilize it as much as I want to. Now I have some great inspiration. Thank you. Happy 2009!


  63. pretty amazing!!

    and I'm sorry about all my you're-not-my-friend-any-more-cuz-you-cook-with-pumpkin comments. I need therapy.

  64. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Sigh. I am sorry that the year is ending. This has been one of my go to sites each day. I am a working mom, and you always inspired me to keep cooking healthy foods for my family. Thank you for taking the time each day. You are appreciated. Maria

  65. Love the taco soup! And I have loved reading your blog this past year. I saw you on Rachel Ray and that's how I got hooked. I have you on my blog list...and can't wait to read 2009's blog.

    Happy New Year!

  66. I can't wait to try out many of your recipes this year with my crockpot I received for Christmas! Whooo Ijust need a little dipper too!!!
    Have a great new year!

  67. I'm so relieved that you will continue to update this site, even if it isn't daily! I've enjoyed your blog so much, that I've even been inspired to try some of your recipes. Considering that I have steadfastly refused to cook for over 10 years, that's quite a feat! But don't tell anyone; I said that a kitchen elf made dinner that night.

  68. How wonderful that you have a book deal from this amazing journey. I'll be buying it for myself and maybe even as holiday gifts next year. Thank you for sharing your year with us. I had to LOL at the 8 pound weight gain, please know I'm with you there, too. Have a completely wonderful New Year and enjoy the vacation.

  69. Anonymous12/31/2008

    What's the first non-crockpot food you will cook?


  70. I'm going to miss this blog so much! It helped me make my crock pot a good gluten free "tool" and I'm really going to miss it!

  71. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Congratulations -- you made it to the end! What a wonderful project, for you and for your family. Looking forward to the new year, and may all your dreams come true. xo

  72. Ooh, I just ordered 30 day shred yesterday! We'll have to compare notes (or sore muscle stories)! And I can't wait for the Totally Together blog! I so need that.

  73. I just found you in November, and have yet to leave a comment, but I guess it's now or never :) Thank-you for doing what you have done. It is truly awesome. My family is gluten free, and it is so refreshing to find wonderful recipes that I don't have to modify for us. Your yogurt recipe changed our lives! Everything we have tried in the last 2 months we love, and this has been a great tool for me to menu plan with. Your style of writing is warm and laugh out loud funny, I love it. Lots of Love from Oregon!
    Laurie P

  74. I'm amazed with your dedication to the challenge and the blog this year. I'm sad to see it ending, but excited you will still post. I'm also looking forward to what you have in store for the organizational blog. Good luck with everything in 2009!

  75. oh oh oh! I love your gift!

  76. Congratulations!

    I have tried so many of the recipies this year, and you have ever steered me wrong. If you said it was good, it was, but thanks for also telling us when things went awry. I have told so many people about your blog, and it always gets rave reviews.

    I CAN NOT WAIT to see the book. Congrats on that too!

  77. Wow! The blog just got better and better. Great job. I'll be looking forward to your book.

    I will really miss the daily recipes, though.

  78. Thank you so much for sharing all of your recipes with us! It's been so much fun to follow along. My #1 favourite - the creme brulee. Mmmmm. Thank you, and best of luck!

  79. Anonymous12/31/2008

    congrats on making it through! I love your blog and it really helped us use our crockpot more often!

  80. Thanks for taking the time to share all these recipes! What a great Christmas present for the crock pot lady!

  81. Anonymous12/31/2008

    THANK YOU!!! I didn't discover your blog until October, but it has inspired me to cook in my crock at least 4x per week. Thank you so much for inspiring me with your dedication! I look forward to your cookbook, and hope you have a fabulous 2009! SO glad to hear that you're still going to keep the blog active, I was worried you'd poof! :)

  82. Anonymous12/31/2008

    As someone who refers to my Crockpot as my 'crack pot' because I'm so addicted to it - your blog has been inspiring!'

    I'm sad to see the "year of crockpotting" end but will look forward to the recipes and reviews.

    I too saw that CrockPot trio at Target. I stopped dead in front of the display, eyes alight with glee, and my husband joked that he thought he heard the sounds of the Heavens shining down upon me.

    Enjoy it!

  83. Stephanie,

    Congratulations on a whole year! That was a definitely a very unique challenge. You have opened my eyes to new ways to do things in the Crockpot. I now use it at least once a week...whereas before, every three months! Thanks so much for your creativity and spunk!

    Happy New Year!

  84. I have followed your blog since about February and I of course went back and checked the recipes I missed. I am living in Japan now and I have a fantastic mom that sent me a crockpot for my Christmas present last year. I have been checking your blog everyday and will be a bit sad not to see something new everyday.

    In the end, I want to thank your for all of the hard work you have done, but even more than that, you have inspired me to try things in the crockpot that I would have never dreamed of. Of course some work and some don't, but it's always great fun.

  85. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Stephanie, I found your blog before you were on the Rachael Ray show and I have been checking your site each day. It's a small highlight of my day and I thank you for sharing your creativity, humor, and awesomeness. Thank you for a great year.

  86. Congrats on this year! Thank you SO MUCH For all the recipes. I'm so happy you are leaving this site up!!!

  87. congratulations, stephanie! you made it!!!

  88. Congrats! I found you months ago from just Googling 'crock pot recipes'. I emailed you and you even wrote me back! I feel so honored that you took time out of your busy schedule to send me a note of thanks. Best wishes to you in 2009!

  89. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I have been a faithful reader since I found this blog months ago. You are so amazing for going a whole year!! I'll miss seeing a new recipe daily, but will enjoy when you do post :)
    Also, you changed the way I eat and cook! I live in a studio with no oven and one hotplate. So, when I found this site I ran out and got a crockpot and have never looked back!!
    Thank you so much for this year!!
    PS....I'm making the cornish game hens for new years day

  90. Thank you for this blog. Just...thank you. It is one that I look at every day, and though I will not make all of them (kale and wilted spinach are yicky to me), I appreciate all the hard work you have put into this blog for the past year. I will refer back to it many, many times.

  91. You have done an awesome job! I got a new smartpot for Xmas and broke it in yesterday w/one of our old faves (sage pork tenderloin) Now that I know it works, I will be digging through your recipes looking for those ones I thought sounded really good!
    Can't wait for your book, and since I'm on iGoogle, I will be able to keep track of your updated blogging! Will miss your daily recipes, but hoping you still come up with some good new ones (or bad new ones if they involve chocolate LOL)
    Good Luck and happy continued crock potting!
    Best wishes for a Happy New Year!
    Stephanie - GF in RI

  92. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Congratulations on completing your year's worth of recipes. Congratulations, also for your cookbook deal. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with us all. I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  93. Congratulations, as a lover of crockpots who cooks gluten free, I have been an avid reader.

  94. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Great job! Thank you for all of your hard work, I have really enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to 2009!

  95. I have loved being a part of this slow cooker journey! You did it and it was great! Thanks for all the awesome recipes and reviews. I'll keep and eye out for your book.

  96. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Congrats! You did it! I'm very impressed, and want to thank you for this blog - it's been a valuable resource for most of my 2008 as well.

    With your willpower, your nails will probably be those crazy foot long kind by this time next year. ;)

  97. Congratulations on completing your new years resolution! I've never commented, but have been following your blog for a few months. It has been such an inspiration and has resulted in many great dinners! THANKS! :)

  98. Thanks for renewing my love affair with my crockpot and inspiring me to buy two more. Your blog has been an awesome kickstart to my gluten-free cooking. I cannot thank you enough!!!

  99. I'm sad the year is over and you won't have a new recipe everyday. I found your blog in August and have loved trying several of your recipes. I have also passed it on to two gluten free friends. Thanks and please add to it occasionally.

  100. Stephanie, thank you for a great year of recipes and for your honesty in your flops as well as your triumphs. In the past year I have become more confident in my crockpot cooking and have begun to enjoy it again. Happy New Year!

  101. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Thanks so much for providing an inspiring, funny place to go every day! I got used to checking the news first thing every morning and then clicking over to your site to feel better about the world. You made a difference in the way I think about cooking--and I think it's benefited everyone in my family.

    Congratulations, happy new year, and good luck on your newest challenges!

  102. Thank you for your wonderful recipes, your sense of humor and your great craft ideas. I have truly enjoyed your blog. I'm thrilled that your keeping this blog up and I will be checking it often! Have a wonderful 2009!

  103. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Happy New Year, Stephanie! My family has really enjoyed trying all the different recipes, and I look forward to buying your book! :)

  104. I've barely made a dent in your recipes, but my hubby loves when I cook in the Crock pot, and so do I. I will continue to be here often.

    Congrats on a great year!

    Sandy Cooper

  105. CONGRATULATIONS STEPHANIE!!! I know you must be as happy as I am sad that you won't be posting a new recipe every single day anymore!

    I think I'm starting to go through withdrawal already...I'll probably be the one to end up in the fetal position in the corner! :(

    Seriously, love your blog, your recipes ROCK (especially for a celiac like me), I will definitely buy your book!!

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  106. Thank you for this year! You are awesome! Enjoy your vacation, but I'm glad we'll still be hearing from you.

  107. I LOVE your blog!
    I check it everyday to see what the newest recipe is and the verdict!
    You are very inspirational to all of us home cookers.

    Please keep up the great work!!!

    Happy New Year!


  108. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. Every recipe got me thinking and made me hungry!!

    I'll miss your daily installments. Congratulate yourself on an incredible job well done! :)

  109. Congratulations! You made it! I will miss your daily posts.

  110. I am so very sad to see the end of the year come but with all these recipes I feel completely prepared for the birth of #6 in 3 weeks.

    I definitely want one of those crock-pot thingies. That looks so awesome!!

  111. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Thank you for all your hard work, Although i found you late, i have truly enjoyed reading, learning and trying new things! best of luck, you are one super duper motivated gal with a great future!!!

  112. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Congrats Steph...I'm happy that I shared in your accomplishment in that i tried so many new recipes, courtesy of you.

    I've truly enjoyed this blog...probably more than a lot of others i've come across and look forward to your posts after your "vacation".

    I hope you and your family have a healthy and happy 2009.

    Thank you again...

  113. I LOVE this blog! And I will be buying your book! Woo-hoo! Thanks for a great year, all your hard work and so many amazing recipes...we'll keep visiting once a week for sure.

    Happy New Year!!!

  114. Stephanie,

    Like many, I will miss checking your blog everyday. I have never laughed so much out loud while sitting in a room alone. And the recipes are awesome!

    I'm glad things have seemed to turn out so successfully for you and I pray that the time and energy you have put into this will come back to you 10 fold.


  115. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Ohhhh...PLEASE update every day for 09! I know you are busy but..please...PLEASE!!! Don't leave hangin!

    I love your blog. You are amazing. I think my favorite recipe is the Fall Sausage casserol. AMAZING!!

  116. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Your blog was a real treasure this year! It inspired me to dig out my Crock Pot, then buy a new one, and try new things.

    I passed the URL on to many friends and I look forward to buying your book in the fall! Thank you and many blessings to your family.

  117. You are awesome and I have had so much fun following you this year. I hate to see it end so I'm glad to hear there will be occasional updates! I'll always smile to see you pop up in my google reader as having a new post.
    Happy happy new year and thanks for this last super post too! (Now I know what to do with my too-fast crockpot!)

  118. Congrats!
    You did an awsome job - loved the pics of the ingredients, the verdicts and your humor!
    Happy New Year!

  119. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I will miss your daily read!!! Thank you for this hands down it is the best collection of slow cooker recipes I have ever seen. And Being gluten free , I love them even more!

    Stacey in Asheville

  120. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I found your blog about half way thru the year. It was immediately added to the tabs I check out every day! I uttered a big 'AWWWWWW' when I saw the completed! I have so enjoyed checking you out every day! Thank you so much. Have blessed New Year. Now please, get started on that organizational blog! Lord do I need that!!!!

  121. I am so sad that the year is over! I only found your site a few months ago but it has transformed our "eating in" experience. We are eating out soooo much less and freezing leftovers instead of throwing them away. It makes for a great lunch or dinner when you are not prepared. Thank you for doing this and helping all of us. I truly look forward to the book!

  122. This has been inspirational reading for me- and I don't even have a crockpot. Yet.
    Your daily dedication to your project and frank, often humourous comments are everything good blogging should be. My only other Q to you would be how many hours do you think you spent daily (planning, cooking, photographing, writing, reading responses & answering emails) It would surely equate to a full time job.

  123. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Sooooo sad. It's over. You're one of three blogs I checked each morning. I have always cooked in my crockpot and prided myself in not using "cream of something" soups. You added a wonderful variety to our recipes. You'll be missed but I'll watch for your upcoming books. Relax and enjoy 2009! Melinda

  124. You are the best Stephanie. Seriously you are an example to all of hard work, dedication, and goal setting...along with being an example of a fabulous cook! I truly will miss reading your blog everyday, I will probably still check it just because its habit! Good luck, and I can't wait to see what is next!

  125. I'm sooo sad the year is up! But what a great year it's been :) And I'll be excited to read your weekly posts still - thanks for the fabulous year!!!

  126. Anonymous12/31/2008

    With so many comments... I considered not leaving one..

    but, I thought you should know how appreciated you were! You set the standards high for crockpot blogs.

    Kudos for a job well done!

  127. I have loved your blog so much too. I have told lots of people about your blog as an example of how useful our crockpots are. I can proudly say that my crockpot is utilized way more than it has ever been in the past thanks to your blog. You are awesome and I appreciate your hard work.

  128. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Stephanie, I was shocked last night when I realized that 2008 is really over and so is your challenge! I pass your blog along to so many of my friends who are new to cooking and have crockpots at their disposal.
    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  129. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Thanks go to you. Through one crazy year your blog has brought comfort and calm in the face of it all. Regardless of what was happening in the world or my own home, I could look to your blog to find a funny and often delicious post. Thanks again for this crazy endeavour, and I look forward to what you'll do next!

  130. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Job well done....can't wait for the cookbook. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for staying true to GF.

    I've been reading since day 1....and will continue. BRAVO!

  131. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Thank you so much for your blog. I read it just about every day. The best part (other than great recipes) was your humor at things that did not work out. Thanks for your honesty!!

  132. Congratulations Crock Pot Lady on such a fabulous year. You are an inspiration!

  133. Congrats on your accomplishment this year, and sharing with the rest of us! I didn't find your blog until about halfway through the year, so I'll have lots of recipes to try this year! I love using my crockpot so that something is ready when I get home from work. Thanks for all of the great recipes!

  134. Thank you so much for persevering thru the year and posting a recipe everyday. You did an awesome job and I'm really proud of you! I would love to see your blog on organizing because I really need to work on that! I hope you have a very Happy New Year and thanks again!!

  135. Once a week is good too! Congratulations on the upcoming book. It's been wonderful! Cheerio old gel, cheerio!

  136. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Congratulations to you and to your family! I hope you give each of your hardworking CrockPots a little pat on the lid, on your way out the door to be treated to a restaurant meal! Of course, it won't taste as fabulous as some of your meals this year, but you won't be cooking it!

    Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with all of us readers. I am so impressed at your stick-to-itiveness! Much joy and success (in that order) to you in the coming year!!!!

  137. awesome job this year! I have enjoyed reading. Best of luck to you in 2009--I know I'll be coming back here for recipes!

  138. Thank you so much for your bravery as you went through this! Trying duck and crab and lobster! WOW!

    I know you have meant a lot to a lot of people. Thanks for being with us every morning with a new idea. I just hope you know how many women you have blessed with taking the stress out of cooking with bringing to the crock pot! You Rock! And I will be praying for great success with your book and cookbook.

  139. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Thank you for a fabulous and unprecedented sharing of one's life for a whole entire year. That kind of commitment must surely deserve a massage chair, a personal espresso cart, and a personal cocktail bar in heaven. It goes withou saying that a barista and bartender come with the package.

    OK, now on to your 5-year challenge ...


  140. Congratulations, Steph!!! You are the first person I have ever seen make a New Year's resolution for something daily and keep it! And an awesome job, too!
    Did you have *any* idea you would amass such a fan club? ;-) Or that some people would want to cry that the year was over?
    I have truly enjoyed the blog and will be watching it for the weekly updates and looking for the new blog. I could use some organization, too, to go along with my newly acquired crockpot skills, LOL! I'll be looking for the book, too.
    BTW, that triple crockpot is killer! And I thought I was hot stuff for getting one of these: I actually got it Lowe's but I don't know if it was a seasonal thing, it was during Black Friday sales.
    Happy New Year, X's and O's to you, and see you next year!

  141. No kidding, I have read only three blogs EVERY SINGLE DAY (a bunch of others sporadically) and yours was one of them. Thanks so much! My family thanks you for Vietnamese Chicken and Cheddar & Bacon Chicken especially. They're awesome!

  142. Stephanie, thanks so much for your work this year! You'll be the next Rachael Ray!! I look forward to getting your book. Best of luck!

  143. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Wished I had found you earlier in the year, but I have looked forwrad to see what's on the menu daily since I have.
    I have been inspired by you to cook more for my family ( even though sometimes I un-crock the recipes.)
    We are ringing in our new year with "hot buttered rum" & "stuffed artichokes." - Heather in the Midwest
    I am also very glad to know you aren't leaving us! Happy New Year!

  144. What am I going to do every morning without checking for a new recipe? Congrats on making it the entire year! I cant seem to post every few days on my blog. lol
    I didnt find you until the end of summer, so I look forward to making some of the recipes from earlier in the year.

    Oh and you ROCK! Have a wonderful 2009.

  145. Thank for a dazzling year! I have enjoyed your blog so very much, even though I haven't necessarily tried out all the recipes. But now I've got a ton of them saved up to try in the new year. I'm glad you're keeping the blog - it's so much fun to read. Now go rest!

  146. Stephanie,

    I have so enjoyed reading this blog everyday (well except for that one little mishap). I look forward to seeing what you come up with this next year. Happy New Year to you and thanks!

  147. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Awesome job this year! Lots of hard work and fun recipes and laughs. Loved it all! Wishing you much success in all you do in the future (in addition to no more mean commenters).

  148. I have often wondered these past few days what you'll do for an encore in 2009?! Congratulations on a spectacular year... it's been a great daily read since I found it, and I appreciate that you've taken the taste test for us. I already loved my crockpot, but you made me love it more. Thank you!

    Best of luck to you... I'm sure we'll be hearing from you again. Wishing you unbridled success with your book.


  149. Congratulations on a real accomplishment! So many great recipes, you deserve a short break now for sure!

  150. I have truly enjoyed your recipes and blog. Having Celiac Disease myself, and being a temporary single mother of 3 while my husband is deployed, I've loved having yummy, easy to prepare, dinners for myself and young wee ones. Better yet, I love not having to figure out how to modify a recipe to be GF and pray over it hoping it'll turn out yummy. I am looking forward to your book and will keep your blog bookmarked as long as it's on the web; it's actually the first site on my bookmarks bar!

  151. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Way to go! I am simply amazed that you were able to do this. I enjoy my crockpot, but not enough to use it everyday! I will miss checking out you blog everyday to see what recipe you've attmepted to create. Looking forward to getting the book!!!

  152. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Steph - Congratulations! This was
    a huge feat, & you've crossed the finish line in 1st place.(love ur
    bubble-bath foot soak in the cp!)

    I'll tell my co-workers what a wonderful dinner we had the night before, and they say," let me guess,in the crockpot". Of-course!

    Can't wait for the cookbook - I will get 1 for myself, and 1 for each of my lovely co-workers!

    Happy New Year to your and your family!

  153. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Ha! My friend and I were shopping at Target this week when we saw the three-crock crockpot thing and said you should certainly have that! You go Steph!

    I have loved your blog so much and I have made so much crock pot food in the past few months--all because of you. You are the best! Had a great time and I would love to buy the cookbook. And the Together book too, cause Lord knows I need to be more together. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  154. Great post, great blog, and I'm THRILLED to hear you will have a book coming out!

    Thanks for making the crock pot cool again! :-)

  155. Thanks so much for many new crock-pot recipes that have made my life in the kitchen more simple!! Not to mention easier to adjust to my new gluten free diet. Your hard work is much appreciated! I'll miss your daily posts. I'm sure I'll be referring back to this site for recipes in the future, until the book arrives of course! I wish you and your family a healthy and Happy New Year!!

  156. I have enjoyed your blog all year! Just wanted to let you know on this last day of YOUR year. I am hoping that you will continue to provide us with recipes and blogging, but if not, I would understand.


  157. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Congratulations! I've enjoyed coming here every day to see what crazy thing you've come up with today. Fish in the crock pot?! Who knew?!

    I'll be looking forward to the book - and the organizational blog, which I probably need even more than a crockpot blog!

    Happy New Year!

  158. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I hardly ever post anything on blogs, but I just wanted to thank you. Doing anything (even anything easy, which this wasn't) for 366 days in a row is a herculean task! I'm so incredibly impressed and appreciative. I loved knowing that each day I could find something new on your site. And I, too, love my crock pot, and I'm not afraid to say it! Thank you, thank you, thank you, and don't forget to write!
    -Loren Kaplan

  159. Wow...Steph...I almost feel like I helped get you Christmas present for you as I had wrote and told you about it as soon as I saw it on the Target Ad. Congratulations on your new Crockpot addition. Will miss you-but know where to find you. Wishing you the best of everything.

  160. I am sure we will meet again!

    Mom's Sunday Cafe



  161. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Very, very fun. I really enjoyed following your blog and looked forward to it daily. It's the only one I've every followed. I already loved my crockpot and love it more because of you. I'm actually using two of my large crockpots to cook New Year's Day dinner tomorrow. Congratulations. I will miss looking forward to your daily recipes. All the best for 2009.

  162. Anonymous12/31/2008

    Hi, I was late to know about your blog after reading out about in a magazine. You've been a great inspiration, as I've brought 2 crockpot this year and a couple of months my first dish was chili. I've truly enjoyed reading your blog. Oh, and thanks for keeping up the recipes. I will definitely try more of them next year. Again, thanks.


  163. Anonymous12/31/2008

    I really enjoyed your blog this year. I tried several recipes and will be checking back periodically for more...
    I had the same thing under the tree this year too! I've already used it twice, and I'm sure you'll enjoy yours.
    Happy New Year!

  164. Coming out of lurkdom to say that I came to your blog late in the year, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it! I have laughed aloud more than once, and really enjoyed the recipes. I gave the spiced nuts as gifts this year! thanks for all your hard work and great humor. I look forward to going through all of the archived recipes.

  165. In a world of self-serving blogs, yours is a refreshing change. Congratulations! You kept a resolution that helped others all year. How cool is that! Good luck with your book.

  166. Anonymous12/31/2008

    First comment, but I just wanted to say how much I've loved your blog this year. We're the proud owners of two crockpots now, thanks to you! I love, love, love this site! I especially love your format - and your honest verdicts on your recipes. The kids and I had a blast making ornaments in the crockpot for Christmas. Our oven is out and we wouldn't have made that memory without your help.

    Can't wait for the book! Thanks again!!

    Wendy P. (and family!)

  167. Thank you, Stephanie, for the great blog! I started checking in just before you went on Rachael Ray's show. I have used so many of the recipes here...and especially like that they are gluten free. My daughter is Celiac, and I'm always looking for recipes that she can safely eat.
    And might I say....WOWIE ZOWIE on that TRIPLE crock pot thing-y! I have never seen anything like it! I'd love to have one...just not sure where I'd put it!
    Thanks again for everything this past year!! I'll keep checking in!

  168. Stephanie,
    I have shared your blog with my family and friends. I wanted to say a BIG thank you! for all you have done maintaining this blog for the past year. I have been a big fan and loved your entries. Thank you for inspiring me.

  169. I was turned onto your blog later in the year but have really been enjoying it, in fact, I linked your blog on my own blog site! I got a crock pot for Christmas, and have already bookmarked several of your recipes that I want to try out. Like others have said, it will be sad to not see a new post everyday, but that's ok!

  170. Anonymous1/01/2009

    I wish I had found your blog earlier in 2008 (I was unaware until Sept!). But I have lots of recipes to try! I guess I will add your new blog to my favorites! Cathy

  171. I will miss checking on you everyday and learning to cook by reading your blog. You have inspired me to start my own...thank you so much.

    May 2009 bring you health, happiness, success...and little to no stress. :D

  172. Woo Hoo!

    Way to go Steph! You did it!!!

    I *heart* your blog and I'll be looking forward to your updates and reading your other blog (you mentioned).

    Have fun in Disneyland! You're a better mom than me...I caved in to the DVD player. Although...I'm glad we did as we drove through a massive snow storm and the drive that normally takes 6 hours turned into 13 long hours.

    Happy New Year!

  173. Congratulations on your year of crockpotting!
    Thank you for sharing your journey with us & I hope you all have a blast at Disney!
    Happy 2009!

  174. I know there are already 170 comments but I wanted to make sure and tell you thank you for sticking with this has really been such a big life saver for me. So you have been a big cyber blessing. Thank you and best wishes and blessing to you and your family for 2009!! :)

  175. Anonymous1/01/2009

    I'm going to miss this everyday!

  176. Anonymous1/01/2009

    Stephanie, you have done a wonderful job this year, congratulations on making it through! Thanks for all the wonderful recipes you've shared with us and all the funny moments you document so well! I will miss seeing new recipes everyday, but look forward to new organizational help!

    Happy New Year!


  177. Thanks for ... well, everything! Love the GF crockpot recipes! I'm still working my way through the archives, since I only found this site this fall. Can't wait to see what you're doing in 2009!

  178. A friend just sent me the link to your blog. I just got the link so I haven't tried a single recipe, but I love your blog already! Two of my kids have Celiac Disease (we also maintain a mostly GF home) so I am very excited to try all your yummy GF recipes! Looking forward to using my own crockpot a lot during the coming year!

    Feel free to visit our family at my blog

    Melissa :)

  179. Anonymous1/01/2009

    Congratulations on your year complete!!
    Have fun in Disneyland!

  180. Congrats on finishing this huge challenge! I don't usually comment here, but I do check your blog frequently. You inspired me to start my own cooking blog, which has been a blast!

  181. Congrats on making your goal! I like my crock, but don't think I could use it every day--with a new recipe each time. That's quite an accomplishment!

    I've enjoyed checking in and trying out some of your recipes. I hope you still post new cool recipes from time to time!

  182. Anonymous1/01/2009

    I'll miss your daily emails - one of the only things I don't delete without reading! Thanks for inspiring so many of us to cook for our families and encouraging us to try different food and ingredients. Happy 2009!

  183. Congratulations on completing your year! Your blog certainly has been an inspiration to me.


    ...& congrats on the trio! That looks fun.

  184. I will SO miss your daily posts! Thanks for a great year of recipe ideas. I will be checking back often--and I may start over at Jan. 1, 2008, just to have a daily recipe to read. :)

  185. Anonymous1/01/2009

    I am so said that this year with you is over. I have looked forward to "visiting" with you every day, well since March. I've used a lot of your recipes and have recommended your site to lots of my friends. I look forward to your book. I'm hoping you'll start a new blog soon. Thanks for a great year.

  186. Oh my gosh, I am so going to miss your daily recipes and best of all your comments! I am still trying recipes from before I found this blog so I will be coming back to try more. How cool - a book! I look forward to it. Happy New Year, good luck on your endeavors for this year. Thank you for your dedication to this idea - awesome :)

  187. Would you consider doing a year-end review of your favorites from the year? Maybe a Top Ten list?
    I'd love to know which ones were your favorites from the year!
    Thanks for this helpful blog!

  188. I am glad you are going to keep blogging about Crockpotting! You have some terrific recipes. Thanks for sharing!

  189. Anonymous1/01/2009

    Stephanie... I can't even begin to tell you how much you have inspired me to cook for my family!!! I really think that by reading your blog I was inspired to cook my own babyfood (which I'm still doing!) I have enjoyed reading your posts and the recipes have been very yummy!
    I'm so glad I happened to watch Rachael Ray that day you were on!!!
    Congrats on making it through your entire year!!! Think about me as you pass through Central VA on 95 on your way to Disney world.. you can pick me and the kids up if you'd like! Whats antother 2 kids? haha
    Thanks again for your dedication!
    Stephanie Smith

  190. Thank you so much for an incredible year filled with so many wonderful recipes. I loved that they were all gluten free...
    Enjoy your well deserved break.

  191. Anonymous1/02/2009

    Stefanie -- I am SO glad an E-friend sent me your link - I've made many of your recipes. You were a life-saver this past week. DH was offered a job in Sicily at the Navy base, so we moved here a few months ago. Christmas Eve (of course) our oil tank ran dry (found out the gauge is broken) so we had no heat and no way to run the stove. crokcpot to the rescue! We ate out some but crocked quite a bit and made it to New Year's Eve day when the oil tank was refilled! Thank you thank you thank you!!

  192. I'm another reader who just found you in September, so I want to thank you for keeping this site going into 2009.

    And of course, please post all the details about your cookbook when it comes out!

    Happy new year!

  193. Happy New Year! Thanks for being here this year. You really inspired me to just freaking try the crock pot. I am quite a foody and tend to like recipes by Cooks Illustrated and Gourmet and stuff but those are always terrible in the crock pot :) Your recipes are homey, down to earth and they work.
    Thanks for everything. I intend to keep coming back here and trying your recipes as I need crock pot recipes. Enjoy Disneyland! :)

  194. I just have to say that I love your blog and have tried so many of your recipes this past year and loved many of them.

    I must also comment on your resolution to not stress so much and how that worries you.

    I think we must be long-lost twins....

    Blessings and peace to you in 09!!

  195. Congratulations Stephanie!!!
    I had no doubt that youd achieve this wonderful goal for 2008!

    I have enjoyed reading, trying and passing along your recipes!

    Keep up the good work, Happy New Year to you and yours.. and for Heavens Sake woman.. take a well deserved rest and most importantly... keep smilin'! ;o)

  196. CONGRATULATIONS! And thank you so much for all of the great recipes and tips.

  197. I am finding your blog a huge inspiration...

  198. Congratulations on your year! Your blog has been wonderful!!!! (My husband would agree, our meals were getting pretty boring!) Have a wonderful well deserved break!

  199. Thank you for this blog, I have enjoyed following along and have enjoyed many of your recipes! Best to you and your family in 2009!
