Make it Fast, Cook it Slow: The Big Book of Everyday Slow Cooking

Make it Fast, Cook it Slow: The Big Book of Everyday Slow Cooking contains 338 tried-and-true slow cooker recipes.

The book is the best of the best of my "Year of Slow Cooking"----these are recipes that have been tested in my own home kitchen using my own slow cookers, and have been tasted by my own (sometimes picky) family. The recipes have also been tested by home cooks from around the world, with their notes and results documented under each recipe on the website.

The book is set up the same way as the blog, with detailed instructions and a short "verdict."
To keep the price of the book down, and to include as many recipes as possible, I have opted to not include photos.

I don't like cooking before I cook, and prefer to not brown meat on the stove top before throwing it into the pot. Many people prefer to pre-brown meat---they like the color and texture this step provides. Whether or not you pre-brown meat is a personal choice, and unless I've specifically included pre-browning in the instructions, assume that the meat has gone in raw (sometimes frozen!) and undoctored.

We are a gluten free family. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, and rye. Oats are off limits, too, unless they are from a specified gluten-free source. Everything in the book has been made completely gluten-free. If you do not need to worry about gluten, feel free to ignore my notes or file them away in case you ever need to cook for someone with a gluten intolerance. As always, read labels carefully on your own since manufacturers have been known to switch ingredients without notice.

If you'd like to learn more about going gluten free, I recommend the following websites:
Sure Foods Living
Gluten Free Easily
The W.H.O.L.E. Gang (whole healthy organic living everyday)
Karina's Kitchen, Recipes from a Gluten Free Goddess
Elana's Pantry

Because we live with allergies, and because I'm a crazy Californian, I try to balance the amount of fat, sodium, and processed foods our family ingests. I'm certainly not a purist, and definitely enjoy a good dose of Velveeta now and then, but the recipes I've included in this book are not your typical "cover with cream-of-whatever soup" slow cooker fare.

Thank you so much for your support, it means so very much.

Any questions? Email me directly at crockpotlady AT gmail DOT com.

xoxo steph

updated 12/21/09: Make it Fast, Cook it Slow is on the New York Times Best-Seller List (12/27 edition) for Advice/How-To, paperback.
WOW. Thank you so much for all of your love, support, and interest.

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at June 18, 2009

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What they say about this article

  1. That is just the COOLEST thing! Congrats! I can't wait to get my hands on it...

  2. Anonymous6/18/2009

    Congratulations Stephanie!
    I can't wait to read it. :-)

  3. Jen T.6/18/2009

    Congrats! That is so awesome.

    Not sure which D you are speaking of, though. The D in your name looks capital to me!

  4. Yay! Congratulations!!!

  5. I'm totally ordering it!

  6. Hi, if you scroll down to product details, you can suggest fixes to the info. I went ahead and "suggested" that they fix the "D" in your name. And congrats!

  7. Oh awesome! Congratulations, Stephanie!

  8. this is so exciting!! I will have to order it in my next Amazon order!! Congratulations! it looks fantastic

  9. CONGRATULATIONS! What an awesome accomplishment. You should be so proud of yourself - I know we all are! I've already bookmarked it to put into my next Amazon order. Can't wait till October.

  10. Courtney in FL6/18/2009

    YEA! I cannot wait for this book! Going to Amazon now to pre-order. :) Congrats.

  11. Anonymous6/18/2009

    You deserve tons of praise for making my life easier as well as countless other moms with your great recipes. I will be sure to order it soon. What an amazing accomplishment

  12. How cool is that? I'll be ordering one! :)

  13. Anonymous6/18/2009


  14. Yay!

    Talk to your publisher. (I work for one) Amazon is almost too big for itself, but the publisher can put in a change request and may take weeks, but it should get done :)

  15. Congrats! This is awesome! Just preordered one on! Can't wait to read it!

  16. It's beautiful darlin'. It's now on my wishlist. I'll get it as soon as I order some other things that have been sitting there a while.

  17. The "D" is fixed!

  18. Wow! CONGRATS! That is AMAZING!

  19. You are amazing. I love this blog and I am so excited about the book.

  20. Oooooh, it's so purty! CongratS!

    (I just made the Peking Pork Chops last night - yum! I think the apricot ones are still my favourites ...)

  21. Oh how exciting! CONGRATS!

  22. I can't wait for my very own copy!

  23. DAMN impressive - That is so great congratulations!!

  24. YAY YOU!!! I am so proud of you. I can not wait to see it. And order it.

  25. Congratulations! That's SO awesome, I will definitely be buying as soon as I have some ready cash, you've been a real inspiration!

  26. long time reader- first time commenter. i've followed your blog for a long time, congrats! :)

  27. So proud!!! I'm very excited for you - thanks for all of your ideas! I look forward to getting this!

  28. Oh wow! How beautiful!

  29. how exciting - congrats!

  30. This is so exciting! Tears actually just sprung to my eyes hearing this excellent news!!!!! I just added it to my wishlist. :-)

  31. Congratulations! I am so happy for you!

  32. I am so thrilled for you Stephanie!! I can't wait to buy it. Congratulations!

  33. Congratulations, Steph! That is super duper, mega awesome, cool and fantastic! You're all famous now, and stuff! :)

  34. whoo hoo! that's great! looks like yet another christmas gift for me to add to my amazon wishlist :o)

  35. Yeah!!! I can't wait until I get mine. It will be so nice to flip through all of the recipes and not have to print them all off! Oh, I cannot wait! Thank you so much!

  36. Congratulations! It's on my wish list!

  37. Congratulations! Looking forward to having the book in my library.

  38. I know what I'm getting for my birthday! Congratulations Stephanie. :D

  39. !Congratulations! I'll be purchasing a copy :)

  40. I am totally ordering one for me and one for my friend who is a crockpot virgin! Congrats!

  41. Yeah!!!! Too bad I already picked out a birthday present... Now it's on my Christmas wishlist!

  42. Congratulations! That's very exciting!

  43. It IS so very lovely! Wow! Congrats!!!

  44. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Congratulations! What am amazing accomplishment!

  46. Congrats! Super awesome!

  47. Congratulations!! I can't wait to order it! Does it have lots of the same pictures that you have on the internet? That is one of my favorite things - that you show the ingredients. And does it have only your favorite recipes?

  48. Congratulations - I rarely buy cookbooks, but yours is one I will purchase. Thanks for the many crockpot recipes. I use my crockpot (s) almost daily and have gotten lots of recipes from your blog. Thank you so much.

    I love it when a plan comes together!!

  49. Anonymous6/18/2009

    Congratulations Stephanie!!!! I am so anxious to get my copy! Love the artwork for the cover... very nice!

  50. Anonymous6/18/2009

    Congrats!! It's quite the accomplishment.

  51. Elaine6/18/2009

    Congratulations! I love your blog. Have tried a lot of the recipes and can't wait to actually get them in a book.

  52. Congratulations!! I think I need this!!

  53. This is so exciting! Congratulations to the coolest crockpotter I know. You've encouraged all us other bloggers to Make It Happen!!!

  54. Can't wait to get it. I refer back to the blog often for new ideas. Will be nice to not be so computer dependent. Love the look. CONGRATS!!!!

  55. You so rock.
    Congratulations! It's very very pretty!

  56. Congratulations! You deserve that nap.

  57. Oh yay! Congratulations, Stephanie!

  58. I'm buying copies for everyone for Christmas!

  59. Congratulations!!! It is VERY pretty :)

  60. How exciting!! I've just popped on over to Amazon and pre-ordered by copy. I hope it's a huge success.

  61. When did you change the name of the blog? I just noticed it, and although "slow cooking" is probably more appropriate as the ol' "CP" is trademarked, I loved the use of "crockpotting" as a verb!

    Congrats on your book! I confess to sometimes reading old posts just for the pure entertainment value. Sometimes I think you're a little whacko with the stuff you throw together, but it's always good for a laugh, and more often than not stuff tastes pretty darn good!

  62. Congratulations! Off to order.....

  63. Congratulations! I love your website and have tried many of your recipes. Thank you!

  64. Congratulations-it IS a pretty book! I have tried many of your recipes-thanks!!

  65. The cover is beautiful, I'm going to ask my DD to buy me this for Christmas.

  66. Anonymous6/18/2009

    I've just discovered you - looking for "make my own" yogurt recipes. This blog looks like a keeper. I'll keep reading.

  67. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!

  68. Anonymous6/18/2009

    Congrats...the cover is gorgeous!

  69. Congratulations! I pre-ordered. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed trying out recipes from your website. Taco Soup has become an all time family famvorite, and makes for a fantastic lunch in my thermos.

  70. That is so great Stephanie! Congratulations!

  71. Wow, that looks great!!! Does it have all of your recipes in it or just some of your favorites? Did you come up with all the recipes yourself? Congrats!!!! You are awesome!

  72. October??? Must we really wait that long? Oh well with the rate summer is flying October should be here before we know it. And the cover looks magnificent!!

  73. Congratulations, Stephanie! I'm going to get it too and will spread the word in my neck of the woods :-)

  74. Oh so cool! Now when my hubby gets a job, I will buy it.

  75. Yay!!! I am so excited that it is finished!!!


  77. Congratulations! This has gone straight to my wish list!

    And I'm pretty sure that this will be my new go-to wedding and college graduation gift.

    Does it make me old that the kids I babysat are starting to graduate from college? :sigh:

  78. Tricia from NZ6/18/2009

    How exciting! I'll be buying a copy (even though I can't get all the ingredients here in New Zealand, I can usually work out a few substitutions) :)

  79. Congratulations!!!

  80. Congratulations, Steph! What a wonderful achievement. You deserve a nap, AND someone else making dinner :)

  81. Yay! I am so happy for you and pray that this book will bring you many blessings!

  82. It's beautiful! Congratulations!

  83. It IS so pretty! I love it! Congratulations to you!

  84. It is so pretty ;) Congratulations Steph !!!!

  85. So happy for you...I was the "slow cooking" title change for the blog your idea to just freshen it up a bit or has it ecipsed "crockpotting" as being politically incorrect ? Is crockpot now a outdated word ? Is it considered "low brow" by the masses and therefore unacceptable ?

    I know how Martha Stewart feels about crockpots...she snickers and looks down her nose with riducule on them ! ( not funny to those of us who love our crockpots )...errr...slow cookers !

  86. MANY CONGRATS, you sure have worked hard for this...what a LOVELY book!!!

  87. It's really, really beautiful:) Congratulations!

  88. I am so excited to see the book. The cover is great. Also, what would be your fantasy island crock pot??? Have a lot of manufacturers sent you crock pots? Just curious. I lost my lid and need to buy one. I am turning 40 this year and might celebrate by splurging on a new, fancy crock pot. Any ideas. I need something non toxic and as green as possible--if that exists in a crock pot.

  89. So very well done, you! Congratulations!

  90. Hi, I awarded you the Kreativ Blogger award. Check out my blog:)
    Love yours!

  91. Hubby has just pre-ordered it from for my Christmas present, yay! I like the American cover more than the one it's showing for the Brits though!

  92. Janice6/19/2009

    Love it! Will be awaiting the day of it's arrival to purchase, and can't wait to try all the recipies inside it!

  93. YAY! Congratulations! I can't wait for my copy to get here!

  94. Anonymous6/19/2009

    Congrats! I love your website and can't wait to receive your book in the fall.

  95. Congratulations on the book! That's a nice illustration on the cover.

  96. Whee! Yay! Congratulations, Steph!

  97. Congratulatinos, Stephanie! I can't wait to buy your book!!

  98. Congratulations!!! It looks beautiful. Can't wait to get it!

  99. Good for you! It's going on my Christmas list.

  100. Congratulations! Can't wait to get a copy - hope it's a best-seller!

  101. That is awesome. I have loved your blog and I am sure that I will love your cookbook. Congratulations!

  102. Kim in WI6/19/2009

    Congrats Steph! Can't wait to get my hands on one!

    Kim in WI

  103. Love the cover and the nice. Congratulations..

  104. Congrats!!! So awesome!

  105. Oh, that's so exciting! I love the cover!

  106. You're amazing. I'm very excited for you. How cool to have 2 books hitting the shelves. Can't wait to get my copy of your book. Now how do I get it autographed?

  107. Congratulations on being published. It looks great - looking forward to getting it!

  108. Stephanie--The cover is beautiful and the title is great! Congratulations to you! A nap would be well deserved--awesome job. :-)


  109. Congratulations! You're an inspiration. That must be so satisfying to see the completed work.

  110. Congrats! How very exciting!!!

  111. Such a clever cover and title. This is one cookbook I will definitely buy.

  112. Congratulations Stephanie! I am really happy for you and wish you great success :)

  113. Congratulations!

    I am curious - why did you change your site to "A Year of Slow Cooking" from "Crockpotting"?

  114. The cover is beautiful! And, from the past year, I know the contents will be amazing as well. I'll look for this one for Christmas presents! Congratulations!

  115. Hi Alicia,

    it was a publishing decision----they wanted the site to reflect the book.

    xoxo steph

  116. I can't wait for your book to come out! I made the BBQ Pulled Pork this week. We love it and usually freeze some of it for another day, that is of course if it doesn't get all gobbled up!

    Congrats on your new book!

  117. Anonymous6/19/2009

    Congratulations! This is so exciting for you!

  118. Great looking book! It is always great to accomplish a goal, congratulations.

  119. mummy_chelle6/19/2009

    I think I am going to ask for this for our anniversary in October! That should give it time to get to Australia...

    I love this site and use it loads so a book would be like always being logged in!

    Good on you and congratulations! I hope all your hard work pays off.

  120. Congratulations! Wow - I bet it's hard for you to believe that you have a book published! Did you ever imagine that all this would happen?

  121. Anonymous6/19/2009

    Does this have the gluten free recipes in it too?

  122. Congratulations, Stephanie! I have so enjoyed your blog over the past year. You have been a real inspriation to me and countless others. Wishing your book tons and tons of success! (It looks great!!)

  123. Wow.....congrats on the book. I love the cover and can't wait to get it!

  124. Wait a sec - I want an autographed copy of this soon-to-be-best-seller of a book!

    Congrats - I've had quite a few people comments about your Baked Potato Soup that I mentioned on my own blog the other day. Looks like we've converted them to crockpotting! ;)

  125. Congrats!!! And thanks for making crock potting fun again. Please don't stop now, you can take a nap but I don't want the new tries to stop. I have learned a lot of new and fun things from you. Not to mention how much fun I have reading your new posts. Just the text is enough to make me smile for hours! Thank you for coming into my kitchen!

  126. Congrats Stephanie! This cookbook will definitely be on my shelf!

  127. SO happy for you! I too love the cover. Will all the recipe's in the book be gluten-free?

  128. Hi Jennifer, yup! They are written the same way they are on the site. If you aren't GF, just ignore my notes. ;-)

    xoxo steph

  129. Congratulations!!

  130. Congrats! If the recipes in the book are as good as the recipes in your blog - it will be a hit.

    I will have to check out Amazon. I just got a Border's gift card maybe I should use it for your book!

  131. Anonymous6/21/2009

    Congratulations! I know I have had nothing to do with this, but I feel I've been witness to something really exciting as I've followed your blog over the past year and half. I hope it does well, and I can't wait until your book comes out!

  132. Congratulations!!!

  133. Congratulations on your cook book! I think it will be a huge success.

  134. Sandee6/22/2009

    I can't wait! This will be on the Christmas list and I plan to get it for my Daughter and my Daughter in Law.

  135. Congrats! I will put it on my birthday wishlist (my bday is in Oct.!).

  136. Congratulations, Stephanie! Let's hope it's a huge hit and leads to better and better things.

  137. Congrats!!! The book looks beautiful. Looking forward to ordering :)

  138. Anonymous6/23/2009


  139. You mean I have to wait till October? ~Wail!~ If I must, I must! Congratulations and hooray!

  140. Congratulations! I'll definitely check it out!

  141. YAY! I will SO be buying this one!

  142. Hooray! You are an inspiration -- I need to get my book going. ;)

  143. Anonymous6/23/2009

    If I must wait until October, I will...

    Thanks for all your hard work. You know we appreciate it!!!!


  144. I recently have found your blog and just tried the Crockpot Salsa Chicken Recipe and oh my it was really good.

    I'm trying a London Broil in the Crock on thursday.

    I'll definitely be buying your book when it come out. Love my Slow Cooker

  145. I love the cover. Can't wait until it comes out. I made Chicken In A Pot tonight in my slow cooker. It was fantastic! Gotta love my crock. And looking forward to trying all the recipes that will be in your book. :)

  146. Jessica6/24/2009

    Congratulations! I noticed there is no Kindle version. Do you plan to offer a Kindle version? I love my kindle. I've just started popping it into a ziploc bag and using it to show me recipes in the kitchen. No need to find something to prop the pages open to keep the book from closing

  147. YEAH!!!! i just ordered a copy - now I can find my favorites from you right on my shelf:-)
    Congratulations <3

  148. Bryantt236/24/2009

    Awesome! I can't wait to see this on bookstore shelves, I can't wait to own my own copy!

  149. I want that book RIGHT NOW! I don't want to wait until October. Luckily for me (and my family), I have your blog. Can't wait to have the book! It looks fabulous! Congratulations!

  150. Huge congratulations to you on this amazing accomplishment. I know what I'll be giving this year for holiday gifts. I absolutely love your recipes. My family thanks you for all the yummy meals.

  151. Congratulations Stephanie!

    It must be such a weight off of your shoulders to finally be done! I wish you the best of luck on your book!

  152. Congratulations Stephanie! It's beautiful, and I can't wait to buy it! :)

  153. I am so excited! Thanks for all your hard work.

  154. Congrats, Stephanie! Can't wait to buy the book!!

  155. Anonymous6/27/2009


  156. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! I really enjoy your website and your recipes. Thanks so much!

  157. Congrats! Good for you!!

  158. Congrats-Ill be sure to check it out.

  159. Soo cool! I totally pre-ordered it. Congrats. And I love the yellow color!

  160. Congratulations!!!!! I will have to order a copy. I have relocated to West Palm Beach,Fl and looking for good slow cooker. Look forward to trying your recipes.

  161. Jennifer Y.7/01/2009

    Congratulations! So happy for you. Hope the cookbook is an enormous success!

  162. Anonymous7/01/2009

    I immediately pre-ordered this. After all the countless hours you have saved me, it's the very least I could do. Aside from an incredible reference for meals, I hope I can, in some way, contribute back to you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your hard work. My stomach thanks you, too!

  163. I recently stumbled on your blog via a link from Congrats on the book. I will be getting a copy for myself! Love the recipes - and you're a good read too!

  164. Absolute congrats on the book and on the newbie!! (Reverse the order: Congrats on the babe and on the book :-)

    What portion or percent of the recipes are GF? I can make my own adaptions for vegetarian and vegan.

  165. Hi Mare,

    they are all gluten free. The book is set up similarly to the site---I've included how I've prepared the meal or dish gluten free, and those who don't need to worry about gluten can simply ignore my notes. ;-)

    xoxo steph

  166. You are inspiring! Congratulations!

  167. Rhonda7/08/2009

    Just saw the book in the Hyperion catalogue and ordered copies for the library (and one for myself!) Congratulations. What a tremendous achievement!

  168. Congratulations! I will be sure to buy a copy!

  169. YaHoo for you! Can't wait to get my copy! You rock!

  170. Just pre-ordered your book. YAY! Cannot wait till October 3rd...

  171. Congrats! I just found your blog today and I LOVE it! You are my hero! Can not wait for the book to come out! And congrats on the new baby!!

  172. anne conover8/10/2009

    I just pre-ordered two of your cookbooks, one for me (of course!) and one for my daughter for christmas. Can't wait to get this book into my hands!! thank you...

  173. I can not wait for your book to arrive in my mail box from I am Gluten intolerant and LOVE my slow cooker (working 12 hour nocs, the "Smart Pot" is awesome!) Thank you again for all the gluten free recipes!

  174. Just pre-ordered 2 copies!!!!

  175. I have it - I love it - haven't tried anything YET!

    but I LOVE that the blog corresponds to it - make sharing the good information all the easier!

    May you have much success with it!

  176. Stephanie
    We are a gluten free (and dairy free) family and I was so completely excited to find your blog! I preordered the book and read it this weekend. My family thought I was weird reading a cookbook, but oh well. I'm surprised that the harvest soup didn't make the book, it's one of my favorites!! Thanks for giving me a sane dinner hour back :)

  177. I have the book and have read it cover to cover. Clear, funny and easy to read and the recipes are clear and easy also, Thanks Stephanie!

  178. Anonymous11/25/2009

    My copy just came yesterday, I am sooooo excited! Already using the ham recipe for out turkey day spiral ham (we are not turkey fans) and I have big plans for a ton of the recipes. Great job!

  179. I just want to say thank you. I have been searching for exactly this slow cooker cookbook -- one that uses fresh ingredients and has more than just soups and stews and foods that come out looking completely unappetizing (gray meat, blech!). You have created recipes that I actually want to cook and eat. I also appreciate your humor and honesty with "The Verdict" for each recipe.

  180. I bought this book for myself last week and brought it home; one of my roommates got REALLY upset with me. Turns out she had bought it for me as a Christmas gift. Oh well! Anyway, made the Indonesian Peanut Chicken during the snowstorm this past weekend and I have been bringing it to work for lunch. It is AWESOME. First time I have ever used a slow cooker and I am hooked.

  181. Got it for xmas, as requested, and am about to go make Lemon Chicken, which will be the 2nd recipe I make - I made Turky/Wild Rice Soup w/the leftovers from the holidays, and it was delicious. Glad I have some stocked in the freezer now for another time. Have reco'd the book to many.

  182. We love this cookbook! Recipes are great! Thank you!!!!!

  183. I enjoyed your year of crockpot recipes and just picked up a copy of your cookbook. Thanks for the hard work! I was happy to see that the book carries your "voice" and comments on recipes.

  184. deborah4/03/2010

    Just want to say THANK YOU for creating this fantastic, practical & mom friendly cookbook. I had been looking for a good crockpot cookbook for a few years now. We're a family of 4 and I work out of the house 40-50 hrs a week in a family business. I do all the cooking (my husband does the clean up) and thought the slow cooker could be a valuable asset to get a healthy dinner on the table at a reasonable time. However all the books I found were boring & old fashioned. Your book is fresh & inventive. Your "verdict" section is both humorous and helpful. I've told all my family and friends to go buy one! I have a lot of cookbooks and have never had one with so many recipies marked to try. Everything I have made has turned out great. Congratulations, thank you and if you ever publish another one, I'll buy that too!

  185. Anonymous4/12/2010

    I am anxiously awaiting receipt of this cookbook. Since I found your blog I'm using my crockpot far more. Also I'm using it for things I'd never have thought to make in a crock - roasted garlic; onion soup.

    Amazing - thank you

  186. I read about your book over on and decided to take a look at it. I went to B&N and scoured over it for an hour or so and the verdict was YES! So I came home and just ordered my copy today! Can't wait for it to arrive!

  187. Anonymous12/30/2010

    Finally got your first cookbook as a Christmas gift this year (after spending 2+ years utilizing your blog). Now I can make your recipes without dragging my laptop into the kitchen! :D

    If you ever do another edition, it would be great if the index could include recipes by size of crock.

    Other than that, I love it just as much as I knew I would. Maybe next year I'll get the second book!
