Chicken Enchilada Chili

Chili is pure comfort food, but just because you have a "standard" or "traditional" chili recipe that you love and make often doesn't mean that you can't try new things and combine different flavors to make a NEW family favorite!!

This recipe is an easy dump it all in recipe using chicken and dried beans cooked in a can of enchilada sauce.

It couldn't be any easier, I promise!

Enchilada Chili recipe for the crockpot slow cooker

It is officially chili weather.

It's been raining an awful lot here, and since I'm in California, and part of living in California means complaining every time it dips below 60, I've been making a lot of hearty comfort food.

I'm very happy that we've never lost power, so my slow cookers could continue to bubble away unattended while I watched the gutter outside overflow onto the sidewalk and lawn.

I may have even taken some video.

This is a fun twist on traditional chili, and I finished off the last little plastic container this morning. 

Like many soups, stews, and chilis, the leftovers are even better than the original!

How to Make Chicken Enchilada Chili in the Crockpot Slow Cooker

The Ingredients.
serves 6

Chicken Enchilada chili is a frugal recipe using dump it in ingredients that are inexpensive and delicious. A crockpot slow cooker recipe that is already gluten free and made from scratch.

1 1/2 pounds chicken (boneless & skinless, OR fish out the bones and skin after about 4 hours)
1 1/2 cups prepared enchilada sauce (read labels carefully if avoiding gluten)
2 chopped celery stalks
2 (14.5 oz) cans tomatoes with seasoning (your choice: I had garlic and olive oil on hand)
2 (15 oz) cans pinto or kidney beans, undrained (or 1 cup dried pinto beans, soaked overnight)

1 onion, diced (or 1 tablespoon dried, minced onion flakes)
1-2 teaspoons chili powder

1 teaspoon cumin

The Directions.

Pour enchilada sauce and canned tomatoes into the bottom of a 6 quart slow cooker. 

Add beans, celery, onion and spices. Stir to combine.

Place chicken on top.

Cover and cook on low for 7-8 hours, or until flavors have combined.

 If you are using dried beans, you may need to cook longer to fully soften the beans.

  Since I was using the chicken quarters I got on sale, I fished out the chicken after about 4 hours, and removed the bones. 

I then stirred the chicken back into the pot.

Serve with shredded cheddar cheese and a dollop of sour cream, if desired.

The Verdict.

Oh I LOVED this chili. 

And I loved it even more that Adam and the kids loved it, and that the baby doesn't seem to mind when I eat beans. 

I made an afternoon snack of nachos with some of the leftovers yesterday. Divine.

There is definitely a bit of heat in the sauce. 

I used a mild enchilada sauce, but it still has a kick. If your family doesn't like much heat, start with 1 teaspoon of chili powder. 

You can always add more later to taste.

Gluten Free Chicken Enchilada Chili recipe made easily at home in the crockpot slow cooker

here's some fun stuff for you:  
Gluten Free Progressive Dinner

This month's Gluten Free Dinner theme is "Winter Warmers," and here's a listing of all the participants:

Roasted Cauliflower Soup with GF Croutons
Fire Roasted Tomato Basil Soup with Prosciutto
Mexican Seafood Soup
Vegan Un-Chicken Roasted Vegetable Soup
Wassail (this is my recipe!)Italic

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at January 21, 2010

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What they say about this article

  1. Mmmmm....this dish looks so good! I will try to make it for my husband this weekend! I love crock pot cooking!

  2. great blog! i am addicted to my crock pot as well. this chili sounds so yummy. i will definatly be making it soon.

  3. This soooo looks like my kind of chili! I, too am totally addicted to my crockpot! Maybe there should be a crockpot anonymous for us!

  4. Sweet! This is right up our alley! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh man. This sounds delicious.

  6. Yum, yum, yum! Stephanie, I have to thank you for introducing me to the blogging world. I searched for "crock pot recipes," and there you were! Since I've been reading your blog, I've been inspired to start my own AND I've purchased matching crock pots that sit on my countertop looking sleekly black and matching my other appliances. LOVE IT! Thanks again for changing more than my cooking....

  7. Sounds Yummy. I get the Real Simple magazine and this month you were quoted about using the crock pot and I got so excited for you!

  8. Mmmmm looks wonderful. And aside from the recipe, I have pretty much an identical post going up on my blog tomorrow. Ie rain rain rain, comfortfood, and crockpots. :)

  9. ohhh this looks yummy! thanks

  10. Thanks for the idea. This sounds like a great dish for Super Bowl Sunday. We had 2 rain induced flooding events in December, so I feel your pain. Hopefully, you will get a change in the weather soon. Love following your blog.
    BTW, I have two crock pots and am wishing for a third . . . maybe it has something to do with our name.

  11. I love my crockpot so much, and I think it may be filled with this recipe very soon:)

  12. hi stephanie--i love your blog and cookbook--i recommend it to all of my friends, family, and coworkers. what brand of GF enchilada sauce have you found? thanks!!

  13. Hi Holly,

    I used the Las Palmas brand. Here is the website information.


  14. This looks delicious! This might be a silly question, but did you use cooked chicken or raw chicken?

  15. This looks so delicious, and I have all the ingredients so it is going on this weekend's menu! It helps that I have a recipe for home made enchilada sauce that we all love.

    And thanks for the link the to the cookbook giveaway, while I would love a copy, it is just not in the budget right now.

  16. Giggling up here in North Dakota about your "winter warmers." 2 weeks ago it hit -34 (yes, 34 below, not counting windchill) - making it 94 degrees colder than y'all in CA!!! We can definitely use your "winter warmers" soups up here! Greetings from the icy north!

  17. My husband said the picture of your chili made him hungry. I'll take that as a sign to try your recipe!

  18. You were in my new Real Simple magazine!!! I read the little story, then saw who wrote it and was like OMG I READ HER BLOG!!!!!!!!

    Congrats- what a great magazine to be in!!!

  19. We make a very similar chili using salsa instead of the enchilada sauce and diced tomatoes. It's wonderful with some sweet corn added too. Might have to putt that recipe back out for next week!

  20. This looks and sound terrific per usual, Steph! I love your review and using the leftovers for nachos--yum!

    Thanks so very much for graciously offering a signed copy of your fabulous cookbook at my blog. The Stephanie and A Year of Slow Cooking love is showing in the giveaway comments!


  21. I just love you. Most days what I really need is an IDEA. I usually have time, I love to cook, and I keep my house pretty well-stocked so I'm not limited to what I can make with a can of spaghettios and a block of tofu... I just stand there in my kitchen with a gigantic mental block, wondering WHAT to make. Then I open your blog, and there it is. My idea!! I can't tell you how many times my family has gotten whatever is on top in your blog. And again, I salute you for managing this with two older kids and a newborn!!

  22. Sounds so tasty! I wasn't aware that there were any canned enchilada sauces out there that were gluten-free - good to know! I usually make my own, but it's nice to have a quicker solution.

  23. Looks delicious! I can't wait to try it.
    I'm addicted to my crockpot too!!!

  24. YUM! I think I am going to make this tonight just so we can have it around for the weekend! Delicous!

  25. I will have to give this a try. Sounds really good. Do you have a recipe for Cinncinati Chili? If you do please post.


  26. I love your blog. Just came upon it an dput a link up on mine to share your fabulous resource for crockpot cooking.

  27. So sorry about your weather. We are expecting cooler temps next week and I am making this recipe!

  28. I read this blog entry today and made it as soon as I got home! Hubby doesn't get home from our store til 10:30ish so I put it on high and it easily cooked in five hours. I don't like chunks of cooked tomatoes so I used a good purée and added some garlic. I threw in some salt and pepper and used celery salt instead of chopped.

    I had cut my chicken into strips and after about four hours I shredded it and put it back in. I also tasted the sauce and it was missing a little something. I added about 2tsp of oregano and 2tsp of ground ancho chilis, plus a bit more salt. That gave it the good smoky flavor I love. :)

    Huge thumbs up!

  29. Anonymous1/23/2010

    Thank you so much for this site and the cookbook! I just bought it last night after finding out about it a couple of weeks ago. My stepdaughter has celiacs disease and it can be a challenge to find recipes that we can all eat because many times the gluten-free recipes require food items not available to us. So far your recipes all seem to be really simple to make and use food items easily found. I prefer making one dish that we can all enjoy rather than cooking two meals, so this has been great. Plus, my crockpot is one of my favorite appliances so I am really enjoying this!

  30. hi there.. i was recently introduced to your site- love it. I also got your book. I want to try the Taco Soup, but haven't been able to find a Ranch powder mix that is gluten free... what do you use?
    Thanks a ton!

  31. Hi Cara,

    I use the Hidden Valley ranch packet. The ingredients listed are safe, but it doesn't say "gluten free" on the packet. If you are concerned, please contact the company directly. This is what they say on their website:
    do your dips contain allergens?

  32. This sounds great! You are so lucky. I couldn't even eat ketchup with my little ones. It seemed everything bothered their little tummies.

  33. My daughter suggested I look at this - she made it for dinner last night - and it was delicious! I love my crockpot and am always looking for new recipes.

  34. Anonymous1/24/2010

    Yummy-licious! The kiddo will love this. Thanks!

    I just got your cookbook last month (a gift to me!) and am loving it.

  35. YUMMY!
    Looks delicious! I can't wait to try it.

  36. I made the Chicken Enchilada Chili last night. It was definately a hit. I cannot believe how much it made! My crockpot was full to the very top! I did add garlic to mine and more cumin. I will keep this in my favorite recipe list!
    Thank you!

  37. Hey, I just got my issue of Real Simple, and you're in it! I got all excited.

  38. I made this yesterday for the BIG GAME; put it on in the morning and it was done by half time. I make beef chili a lot, this was a nice change. I topped individual bowls with shredded cheese and a dollop of sour cream, and served it with tortilla chips. My daughter said, "We should call this chili nachos." Thanks for sharing, love this site.

  39. Anonymous1/25/2010

    I made this Sunday for dinner and LOVED it! I took some to a friend and her husband (they just had a baby) and they thought it was perfect for the icky weather we've been having! I'm gluten-free and I LOVE your site! I put some shredded cheese, sour cream and guac/avocado on top for some added nutrition although it is perfect as is!

  40. I have this in my crockpot at home right now and can't wait to get home to try it. It's such a beautiful pot of food! Had a blip in the electricity last week and my whole crockpot of food was still raw and sadly ruined when I got home. This can't happened today! I think I will cry! Positive thinking...positive thinking....

  41. Polly in NC1/26/2010

    Hi Stephanie - speaking of chicken, :>) can you whip up a lime chicken recipe, maybe a little spicy, for our CPs? I thought about just tweaking the lemon chick recipe, but I thought it best to defer to the pro (that's you)....

  42. The chili was absolutely yummy! I wrote about it on my blog so you ought to come check it out sometime. Thanks again for a delicious recipe. This is the 2nd one of yours I cooked since the 1st of the year. The 1st one was the Blackeyed Pea Soup. I couldn't get my son to stop eating it!

  43. My friend Greg turned me on to your website, and am I glad he did! After much looking and checking around, I made the deal of the decade by getting a beautiful 7 qt. Crockpot at WalMart for only $25.88. After I nade a pot roast, I was astonished to find that during the week I was enjoying that, my blood sugar dropped down to approx 118 (instead of the more usual 250-range). Just finished the Chicken Enchilada Chili. Wish I could bottle the smell! Thank you, thank you, for inspiring me and changing my life. Cannot wait to get your book.
    How's it feel to become a Crockpot Goddess in your lifetime? LOL

  44. I just tried this recipe today and it was fantastic! I'm an expatriate living in Malaysia, so I had to improvise for some things, like the enchilada sauce. But it still turned out great! Your blog is really nice with simple, usually easy-to-find ingredients. Thanks!

  45. Yum yum! I wish this was cooking in the crockpot now for dinner tonight. I'd need a good bread from my breadmachine to go with it though, and I'm not sure how the chocolate walnut bread I made would work with this, haha!

  46. Anonymous1/27/2010

    Yum!! I added a can of corn and a cup of rice. Love it!

  47. So I mixed this recipe with your buffalo chicken soup recipe....DEELISH!!!! LOVE IT!!!

  48. Yum, I have to send a friend over to your site, we always talk about how great slow cooking is!

  49. this looks great, and i can't wait to share w/ my co-workers.

  50. Trisha1/28/2010

    I've been thinking about this recipe ever since you posted it. It has led me to a crazy question. I am vegetarian--do you think I could use fake chciken? I'd only use a bit and maybe add more beans. I realize you might not have much expereince with fake chicken since it is often made of gluten.

  51. Hi Stephanie...

    I would love to make this recipe, however I live in England and have never seen any Enchilada sauce - do you know what I could do to substitute?

    :) xxoo

  52. I just recently found your blog and have been trying your recipes, mostly your chicken recipes. They are delicious! Thank you.

  53. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to have found you! Actually, your blog was referred to me on mine since I just posted how I used a slow cooker for the first time!! I can't wait to scroll through your posts for some great recipes!!!!

  54. I am a little slow, but this is on my list to do. YUM is my word of choice to make me decide to cook or not cook something. This got the YUM, so it is a go.

  55. This is my first time on your it. I love using my crockpot which I got for a wedding gift over 18 years ago. It's still kicking. I have this chili on my list to make this week. It looks so flavorful.

  56. I tried this the other night using a pork tenderloin instead of the chicken. It was very, very good though I think I will spice it up a bit more next time. I used a mild enchilada sauce because I'm wimpy about hot things, but next time I'll use a hotter one, or more chili powder. The leftovers are going to reappear tonight as the base for some sort of casserole.

  57. I added corn and black beans to the pinto and kidney, because it was a little more soupy than I like my chili. A little hot sauce when it's done and it's delicious!

    We had it two nights in a row. The second night was even better.

  58. I was so excited when I found your blog I almost couldn't stand it. I LOVE my slow cooker. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I can't wait to try this chili!

    Going to follow you now...I'll be stopping by regularly for no-fuss dinner ideas!

  59. This is UNBELIEVABLY delicious! I substituted black beans & corn instead of the other beans, and a container of Giant Eagle salsa for some of the tomatoes.

  60. Sooooo yummy!!! I used rotisserie chicken (just because I had some to get rid of), and it was wonderful!! Fantastic recipe!!

  61. Jenn A1/31/2010

    I really enjoy your blog and your cookbook. I love crock pot cooking for summer and winter and was so excited when I found your blog. I have been telling all my friends and family about it. I just looked at your turkey meatball with bbq sauce recipe where you said that you made your own meatballs. Would you be willing to share your recipe for your homemade turkey meatballs? I am on a strict low sodium diet, so I have to make everything myself.

  62. Neato--Found your blog yesterday and I have already used several tips that you and/or your readers provided. I was mainly trying to confirm, that yes, it is possible to make chicken pot pie in a crock pot. I used your recipe, then topped with the batter that I use for my oven-version. Everyone gobbled it up. I cannot wait to try more of your recipes--they are sure to transform how we do dinner.

  63. Anything with chili is good.

  64. Brittany1/31/2010

    Hi Stephanie! First of all, I love your blog! I just found it today and I am looking forward to following it and trying out all your recipes! I am a college student at Arizona State University, majoring in Public Relations. I'm taking a journalism class and I have to create my own blog and follow some others that are similar to mine. My blog is just getting started, but it is called Cooking in College. It's basically on how to cook healthy, cheap and easy meals. I just bought a slow cooker about two months ago and have only cooked about four soups in it. I can't wait to get more ideas from you! I bought my slow cooker because I've heard that you can make delicious, healthy recipes. Plus I love soup, and it's perfect for that! I'll definitely be telling my family and friends to check out your blog too! I'm excited to learn some new recipes from you!

    Happy slow cooking,

    P.S. Congratulations on your new baby!

  65. made this and my husband and i loved it! kids not so much i doubled it and made small little lunch cups with we could keep having it Yum!

    i put whole chicken breasts in and shredded it just before serving awesome

  66. Yum! We made this on Friday and it was delicious! I used dried beans (soaked overnight) and they were a little crunchy still, I probably should have done it on HIGH for the 4-5 hours instead of low. But still super yummy!

  67. I came on today to follow the recipe for the meatball soup - a staple in my household - and saw today's post. Yum!! I think we will have this instead since I have all the ingredients on hand. A little cornbread on the side and we're set. Thanks!

  68. LOVED this! Made it with ground turkey breast because my chicken was still frozen. Turned out way good! I added two splenda packets and it was soooo yummy. Thank you!

  69. Just tried this one the other night and it was AMAZING!!! Super easy to throw together and came out delicious! Will definitely make this one again!

  70. I really liked this chili! It was super easy and filling, will definitely make it again :)

  71. Made this over the weekend.....we had guests over. Everyone loved it! Thank you!

  72. This recipe sounds oh so good. I am going to try it.

  73. There was an article about slow cookers in our local newspaper last week that mentioned your blog, that is how I found you. After trying the Chicken Enchilada Chili tonight, I want to run right out and purchase your book! It was fantastic!! Was a cold and rainy day here today, just perfect for something hot and bubbly in the Crockpot. Thanks for such a wonderful blog, I look forward to trying more of your recipes.

  74. yummy yummy yummy! my whole fam loved it! i added corn and subbed black beans for the kidney beans. will def make again!

  75. I just made this for dinner and it was great! We had the chili over baked potatoes with shredded cheese and sour cream -- fabulous and very filling! Thanks for the wonderful recipe!!

  76. Anonymous2/06/2010

    I'm going to prepare this to have while watching the Super Bowl - excited!

  77. Just found this site... this dish was delicious!

  78. Kristin2/25/2010

    Made this last night....very very good and will make again forsure!

  79. I made this the other night and OMG it was SOOOOOO yummy! Definitely have to add the our cream dollop though I think that was what "made it".

    Wondering though.... I found it was a bit thin... any tips on thickening it up a bit?? Add a little cornstarch or flour towards the end maybe?

    Also I thought your comment about the weathr being below 60 was hilarious!!!!! It's in the teens here!!! :)

  80. Making this now, I'm put it on high, hoping that means it will be done before midnight, because I can't wait to taste it.
    Hopefully putting it on high isn't going to ruin it!

  81. another great recipe. thanks!

  82. I made this today. Great recipe. I used black beans, and had cans of rotel for tomatoes, I also had some leftover corn from the other night. Threw that in also. Came out very good with some cheese, sour cream, and Fritos.

  83. i made this recipe over the weekend. this is my 3rd time using my crockpot and each time i used a recipe from your site. anyhoo I made the recipe more vegan by omitting the chicken and adding about 2 cups of corn. my family and house guests loved it so much that there were no leftovers. Thanks for your awesome site!

  84. Ohh, this was SO good! I loved it, as did my hubby, four year old and one year old. So yummy!!
    I took the chicken out about an hour before serving, shredded it and returned it. It was perfect. Then I served it with sour cream, Mexi-cheese, and chopped cilantro. So, not only did it taste great, but it looked great too! ;0)

  85. I LOVE enchiladas, I just wanted to try something new so this is perfect. I can't wait to try this one out! I have a smaller crockpot so I cut it by half and it was done within 4 hours. It's cooling down now.

    This is probably the 3rd recipe I've tried from your site, and the last two were amazing. I'm sure this one will deliver. =) Thanks for sharing!

  86. this recipe looked really yummy but i have been craving pozole lately so i substituted a big can of hominy for the beans... its in the crock now, will post on how it turns out!

  87. Anonymous12/20/2010

    I love your blog!!! Great recipes...don't stop!

  88. I have this in the crock for dinner tonight. Smells soooo good!

  89. OMG! We are so stuffed! I found this recipe last night and it's snowing today and thought it would be perfect since I had everything I needed!! I added a can of black olive to it, 1/4 of a jalapeño, topped it with sour cream, white onion, and tortilla chips and we are all so full and happy! :) Thanks for the recipe!!!!

  90. This was delicious! And so easy to throw together! The house has smelled like authentic Mexican food all day!

  91. Cooper5/28/2011

    Hi Stephanie-love your blog! thank you for sharing all the wonderful receipes. I've tried several and this one is my favorite so far. I used frozen chicken (3 big breasts) and made enchilada sauce using the "Homemade Enchilada Sauce" recipe from! Thanks again

  92. Made this tonight and made the mistake of not putting in the enchilada sauce - whoops!

    I cooked this in an electric skillet, so I added a little water and more cumin and then just made a side of regular white rice. The water helped make a yummy juice that was perfect on top of the rice with everything else. Still topped with cheese and sour cream.


  93. Hi Stephanie,
    Do you think it'd be okay to use the immersion blender on this recipe? My kids aren't huge bean lovers. They LOVE the salsa chicken soup recipe that gets blended, so I wondered about using the same technique here.

  94. Another great recipe. It only took me a few minutes to put together after work and we had it the next day for lunch. I also added corn towards the end.

  95. txjohnson12/21/2011

    Halved the recipe (just two of us) and now am kicking myself for not making the entire recipe. Used frozen leftover turkey from Thanksgiving. It was a little spicy for DH so I added 1/2 can of refried beans which toned it down just a tad and also thickened it. Absolutely loved this. Thanks for another wonderful recipe.

  96. Tried it and loved it! Served it with corn bread and everyone was happy :)

  97. Anonymous5/19/2012

    I use this recipe during the cold months, but last night I turned it in to a dish for the hotter months of the year. I made Shredded Chicken Enchilada Tacos. I simply reduced the amount of sauce, 1/2 the beans, 1/2 the tomatos. I'd say my husband liked it...we had it for dinner, he then had it for BREAKFAST & LUNCH today!!! I served in fried corn tortillas

  98. I was told about your blog when I got married last September and we were living in a basement with no kitchen whatsoever. I love so many of your recipes!!! I also really appreciate how specific you are!
    On this particular recipe, I chose to make it yesterday because I had basically all the ingredients on hand (and was feeling a little too lazy to go grocery shopping). I used black beans instead of kidney/pinto beans and the diced tomatoes I had also had green chiles in them. It was so so so so DELICIOUS!!! I expect it to be passable but I think it just might become a regular recipe I use! thank you!

  99. Hiya Steph!

    Not sure how i missed this one, but my daughter picked this out to make for dinner yesterday. we used black beans instead of kidneys/pintos and it was fantastatic. topped with a little shredded cheese, a little sour cream and some green onions.

    Oh, yeah...i added some garlic powder also. Because I'm Italian and I'm pretty sure there's a rule somewhere that says i have to ;-)

    Thanks again,
    Lisa in CO

  100. I just wanted you to know I posted a link to this recipe on my blog! Family loved it!

  101. Anonymous1/26/2017

    Hubby a little burned out on chicken, had anyone tried this with ground beef?
