A Book Club! so my brain doesn't go to mush!

[there is a new recipe for Country Captain Chicken down below]

I wrote last week about the possibility of reading a book or two together over the summer holiday. I haven't done much reading (other than Pat the Bunny and cookbooks) lately, and I miss it.

I received nineteen recommendations to read Kathryn Stockett's, The Help.
I don't know anything about this book other than the information listed on Amazon, and that it appears to be a bit controversial to some reviewers.

But my friend Danielle sells an awful lot of copies, and Shirley liked it, so that's good enough for me.

The kids are off school this upcoming Monday, and I'll need a good book to read during quiet reading time. Penny (I don't have a link for Penny!) pointed out that it's still only available in hardback (although there is a kindle version), but my local library has 12 copies, so hopefully yours has a copy to borrow.

How's July 15 or thereabouts work? I've got a deadline July 1, which is why I'd prefer a bit of wiggle-room. The 15th is a Thursday.

I'll start a discussion on this site in the morning, and then host a live twitter party that evening---5 to 6 pm pacific time.

If you don't have twitter, no worries. You can still follow along, even without an account.

As for facebook, I'm still a holdout. I don't have an account---I'm super nervous to have "just one more thing" to check during the day, and I figure if anyone really wants to get a hold of me they can track me down. That said, a reader did start a fan page where you can evidently chat back and forth. I think. I'm not actually sure how it all works!

Happy reading! See you on July 15th!

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at June 07, 2010

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What they say about this article

  1. This book is AMAZING. I just finished reading it for my own book club, and it's nearly impossible to put down. Enjoy!!

  2. It's a wonderful book. I adored it. I hope you do too!

  3. This is one of the best books I've read (but it took me a long time to get past the first 3 chapters). I hope you enjoy it!

  4. ha ha ha!!! Our library system has 46 copies of the book with 350 requests!!! I'm now #351.

  5. Stephanie - I finished reading this book yesterday. It's really excellent. I don't know if the author has her own chapter at the end of the print version, but at the end of the audio book she tells her story. It's worthwhile if for no other reason than that it lends her credibility. I recommend it.

  6. Anonymous6/07/2010

    I just started it this weekend. I was with you... not sure how I felt. I'm usually not a big one to read about racial issues (I ACTUALLY grew up in Mississippi, so it's not always a pleasant "for pleasure" read for me).
    But, since I actually grew up in Mississippi, I figured I'd better give it a try (plus hours in an airport will make me pick up anything.

    I've been really pleasantly surprised so far. I'm only about halfway through, but really liking it!

    Hope you do too!

    LOVE the book club idea. (And FYI, as does any book that takes place in the South, it features plenty of FOOD! We plan to feature it on our Southern-themed blog later in the month.)

  7. Read it in like 3 days!! Loved it and couldn't put it down!!
    It usually takes me 2-3 months to read a book, I found that Barnes and Noble as well as Kindle have Apps for the Iphone that work just like the kindle so I can read the books on my phone.....I find myself reading so much more ( in the grocery line, etc) anyway, definately a great book! Hope you enjoy!!!

  8. I'm always looking for good reads. I'm putting in a request at my library right now.

  9. Anonymous6/07/2010

    It's a great book. I lived and worked in Jackson, MS, for about 10 years, so it was nice to read about places that I've actually been!

  10. YAY! I just finished reading it (and really enjoyed it!)
    Happy Reading!

  11. Anonymous6/07/2010

    My library has 121 holds on 80 copies!! I may not make it!

  12. I loved this book, I hope you do too.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. We just read it for my book club and had a great discussion. Definitely a must-read!

  15. You'll love it! I couldn't put it down and stayed up WAY too late several nights in a row to see what happened next.

  16. I don't think I would call it controversial, but it is thought provoking. A wonderful read that you do not want to put down or see the book end.

  17. I just finished reading this book on the weeekend, it is great

  18. I loved it! I read it a few months ago and now it's on my book club's summer reading list. I grew up in MS, though a few decades later than this took place but still interesting to read!

  19. I am IN! I have heard great things about this book and I have several friends that are reading it right now. I will have to find it soon. This is a great idea! Thanks!

  20. This book is awesome, but if you plan on getting it from your Library call ahead to make sure it is available or to get your name on the hold list. I work for my county library system and we still have 138 holds for this title. Just a hint, check out the large type or book on cd option to see which one you might be able to get the soonest or put your name on all three lists.

  21. It's really good--you'll love it. I'm actually reading it right now...about 100 pages left. (I've read about 250 just today, I'm so vested in it!)

  22. I've been craving a GOOD book! And this sounds like one according to all the reviews. I just reserved it at our library...I'm #173!!

  23. I read this book recently, and I loved it! We're reading it for book group next March, but I'm already ready. I'll drop by on your book group date.

  24. I'm in! I'm pretty sure I can get it finished by July 15.

  25. Stephanie - here's an idea to use for the club, or just for personal use. Have you checked out goodreads.com? It is an awesome website designed for avid or casual bibliophiles. I use it personally to track books I've read, want to read, started to read, etc. Every book I've ever wanted to find is on there. Even children can use it. You can write reviews, keep notes, read others' reviews, recommend to friends (or not have any friends, if you like), etc.
    My book club also uses it to track discussions and questions in between our actual meetings. And we track our monthly picks and reviews.
    It has solved problems like, "Oh I heard about this book I'd love to read, but I can't remember what it was!" And, you can create your own categories or "shelves". I have one that's called "started but couldn't finish" and another called "must read again".
    Oh - the other thing that's great about it is that there are very few ads, and you don't get any unwanted messages or spam. It's as private as you want it to be.
    P.S. My book club is reading The Help in August.

  26. You are going to enjoy this book! It's great!

  27. Hurray!! So excited. :)

  28. I read this a few weeks ago and I LOVED it! Hope I remember to take part in the discussion here and on Twitter. Cute idea!

  29. I'm reading The Help right now and really loving it!!

    My food blog:

  30. I read the book and loved it from the first page. I hope you like it!

  31. I loved this book - it truly stands out as one of the best books I've ever read - and I read a LOT! I read it a couple of months ago, and then immediately passed it on to two friends and my mother, all of whom finished it in just a couple of days. I can't wait to discuss it here!

  32. I've heard good things about this book and have it on reserve at the library. I'm 272 of 341 and I don't remember how many copies they have. I think I should have it by the deadline. Here's hoping!

  33. I've been meaning to read this forever and was needing a good "next read" idea. I'm game for book club! :)

  34. christal6/08/2010

    You were the third person to tell me about the book, and now with a date for discussion, it has prompted me to get to the library today and get my name on the list as well. I'll give it a week and I don't make it, it sounds good enough to buy :) Thank you for the early notice and the incentive to read for ourselves!!!

  35. I LOVED this book!

  36. The Help is one of the first books I read on my Kindle. I absolutely loved it! Someone has told me it is fabulous as an audiobook becasue you get to hear all the accents.

  37. I have heard it is a great book.Your next read should be...... Still Alice,It is a GOOD book as well

  38. It's so cool that you are doing this book club event, Steph. And, I'm honored that you valued my recommendation so ... thanks so much for the shout out! :-) I'll mention your event in my next post. I've enjoyed reading the comments here, too. Even though I read the book, it's so terrific that I also plan to listen to it on audio. I've found that I pick up on different things when I listen versus read. Well done audio books are a thing of joy and transport me for a while. It's a great way to spend even 10 or 15 minutes of driving time. ;-)


  39. I absolutely loved this book when I read it last December and my book club is reading it for July as well. I haven't ever tried doing an online bookclub, but I'm game for anything.

    I'm actually a book addict and a great place for finding new books to read is Goodreads.com. If you're interested at all, my list of books I've read can be viewed at http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/73983-michelle?shelf=read

  40. I listened to this on a road trip (and they had multiple readers with wonderful accents - really worth it!)! LOVED this book.

  41. I hope you remind us when the time gets nearer - I would love to participate in a discussion of The Help! I listened to the audio version on a road trip last summer, and I absolutely loved it! Hope you like it too!

  42. This book is SOOO good! I loved it! Great pick! : )

    FYI our library system had 200 copies and 14,000 requests... I barrowed it from my SIL! : )

  43. I've heard good things too. Your post reminded me I wanted to read it. Just requested it at my library, but I'm number 209 in line! Don't think I'll be getting it before July - (or maybe even this year!) Enjoy

  44. I highly recommend the beautifully narrated audio version of this book, available at www.audible.com. Love, love, love this book (and if it hasn't been mentioned yet, it's in the process of casting for the movie!!!)!

  45. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!

  46. Anonymous6/11/2010

    I'm from Jackson and it was a great read!! So fun to try to figure who she might be talking about! Hope you will enjoy it. I can understand why some might find it controversial but I loved it!! Enjoy!

  47. I haven't read the book yet, but I am planning on it. I am from Mississippi & they are actually filming the movie in my hometown now!

  48. I finished that book a couple of weeks ago. LOVED it. Enjoy!

  49. This is an AMAZING book! I read it earlier this year with my book club (Kindle version) and it's definitely one my list of best books ever! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. :-)

  50. i have been looking for a new book to read as well and had MANY recommendations from various people on The Help. I don't know a thing about it but I will definitely be reading this with you!

  51. I really believe that you will love this book. I did! Another fab book that is a quick read is The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, just in case you're looking for more suggestions.

  52. My book club read this a few months ago and we all declared it the best one we've read this school year! Not sure what the controversy might be about, but the book was wonderful!

  53. Anonymous6/17/2010

    I am very glad you suggested this book. I got it for my kindle last week and am engrossed in the story.



  54. Anonymous6/17/2010

    I bought this for my Kindle a few days ago and I just started reading it yesterday. So far so good...I love the storytelling!

  55. This is a really good book. I grew up in Georgia in the fifties and sixties so I could understand the background. Really gives you something to think about.

  56. I loved this book too. Bought it because a friend was reading it for HER book club. :-) It was excellent!!

  57. wonderful book! hope she writes more!

  58. I read this book and liked it a lot, but I liked Swan House better and it is the same tyoe of subject matter, I reccomend it highly

  59. Great book! I'm stopping by to see if I can find some great recipes that are easy to make ahead.

  60. Connie6/24/2010

    I have to agree that The Help is an absolute wonderful read! A must read even! As someone born in 1969 in the North I found it gives an insight to a time and a place that I will never fully understand. I didn't find the dialects at all to be negative, actually I think if she hadn't used them she couldn't have stayed true to the story. She uses the dialact as an evident US and THEM theme which runs through the book but which is the exact opposite of the message of the book, absolutely amazing. :)

  61. Chrystal6/27/2010

    Finished the book this afternoon. Can't wait for the discussion to begin.
    Living in the South, I was a little trepidatious about the whole storyline, but in the end I enjoyed the book.

  62. Anonymous6/29/2010

    I am almost done with the 2nd year of my 3 year masters program and so have not read many books for fun lately. When I saw your blog,I decided to get on the list for this book at my library and read purely for pleasure! Thanks for the inspiration and I am glad I have until July 15th..

  63. I am one of the favorable readers of THE HELP, plus I also bought it in audio book form and the actors that read are amazing.

  64. I loved it.

    But here's a challenge--can you make Minny's (?) Caramel Cake in the crock pot???

    There's got to be some sort of Monkey Bread variation that would work. Or something. That would be the perfect touch for your book club.

