New Look, New Site, New Book, but it's still all the same. I promise.

Hey! What happened to A Year of Slow Cooking?

it's here! it's all right here!

{if you are reading this in a reader or through email, none of this is going to make any sense. I urge you to click through to the main site to see what I'm talking about}

Welcome to the great-big-huge-honking site redesign! It's new. It's different. But all of your favorite (and even your not-so-favorite) recipes are all here, and all of your bookmarks will continue to work forever and ever.

I've wanted to tie my different writing endeavors together for quite a while now, and Jennette Fulda, of Make My Blog Pretty figured it out.

Because she is wonderful.

I'm still playing around with the features and learning the ins and outs of the software (I'm a slow learner) but I couldn't be happier. 

I hope you enjoy the new design and the new features in the header. There's also a brand new home page that's pretty cool (it moves! and has random generator thingies!) You'll find links to pretty much anything I could think of that you might want/need, and there's a shiny new downloadable page with free stuff on it.

Just for you.

This website makeover is in honor of my new book: Totally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life


I began writing this book when my oldest child was a baby---over nine years ago. I was running a drop-in childcare center at the local courthouse and my little one came to work with me every day. I was listening to time management seminars on tape while I worked, and kept thinking that there should be a day timer for moms. Not a blank one--- those already existed--- I wanted someone to TELL me what to do.  

 I wanted someone (or thing) to tell me to change the sheets, to disinfect the remote controls, to wipe down the blinds, and to call my mom. I wanted to be reminded to do a breast self-exam and to make dental appointments for me and the family. I wanted someone to walk me through the Winter Holiday months (in a non-preachy or judgmental way).

I wanted encouragement.  And someone to tell me I was doing a good job, even when I was sleep-deprived and had spit-up in my hair.

So I emailed the Franklin Covey company and told them that they should make a planner for moms. I corresponded back and forth with their development department a few times before I was kind of blown off (they sent me a 15% off coupon and a form letter). 

I then did what any good red-blooded American would do. I got mad and made one of my very own.

 This book has had a rather long and difficult pregnancy. It took me 2 years for me to find and secure a literary agent, then another 3 years for her to find a publisher (I've got an awfully nice collection of reject letters).

And then that publisher backed out (due to the economy) after it was ready to go to print.
(years 6 and 7)

and it took another year for me to find a new publisher.
(year 8)

meanwhile, the crockpot thing was taking on a life of it's own, for which I am eternally grateful, because if it wasn't for the crockpot thing, this book wouldn't have come to life.

but it's here. And it's because of you.

Thank you.

I really hope you enjoy it.
reprinted from the Introduction:

"There is just too much to do and nowhere near enough time to do it!" All over the world women are faced with the daily dilemma of trying to cram more and more into an already over-crowded schedule. Who has time for a monthly breast self-exam when there is weekly dusting and vacuuming, daily meal planning, hourly diapers to change, a baby to nurse, and a sibling argument to referee every five to ten minutes? How on earth can moms take the time to exercise and floss when showering daily is a luxury in which many don't indulge?

As a new mom I found myself wishing for some sort of guide that laid everything out. Some sort of system that reminded me to make dental appointments for everyone in the family every six months. A planner to help with the daily, weekly, and monthly chores so nothing was forgotten. A little bird to whisper in my ear that it's time to update the baby book and family scrapbook. A pat on the back and a friendly nudge to take a long bath and take the time to shave my legs properly.

I came up with Totally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life as a way to help me as I waded through the vast number of "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" that I came across in parenting, housekeeping, and self-help books and magazines. Totally Together gave me the permission and tools I needed to whip through the daily chores and minutiae and move on to what I really wanted to do: spend time with my family and enjoy living life. My hope is that your Totally Together journal will be of help to you and your family, too.

Have a fantastic day. I hope you enjoy the new site, and thank you deeply for your love and support-- it means so very much. xoxo steph

p.s.: if you find any site snafus/weirdness, please email me at

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Posted by: Stephanie O'Dea | A Year of Slow Cooking at July 13, 2011

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What they say about this article

  1. Congratulations, Stephanie, on both the site re-design and the new book! The planner might be exactly what I need.

    I had to chuckle as I scrolled down to read more of your post on the new of the ads on your blog, at that moment, was for Franklin Covey. :-)

  2. Anonymous7/13/2011

    The new book sounds great! I'm not a mom, so obviously some of it will be fairly useless to me, but I've often thought that houses should come equipped with a weekly to do list (how often should I pull out the couch/fridge/washing machine to vacuum/clean under it? when should I change the furnace filter/do I even have to?..), so I can certainly see the value in a book like this.

  3. Congrats Stephanie! I'm not a mom yet, but reading some of the pages that you included in the pictures, I think I could still use some help with the daily checklist you provide! I'm so happy for the success that you've (finally) found. :)

  4. Hi everyone! If you find any bugs in the new site, please email me at please (at) makemyblogpretty [dot] com with your browser and operating system. (For instance, Windows machine using Internet Explorer 8.) Thanks! I hope you enjoy the new design.

  5. Fantastic!! What a great idea. And I think the new site looks so great. Very tight and professional. Congrats!

  6. new site is great congrats on all

  7. Congrats! The new site looks great! I hope I didn't completely miss this, but ss your book available for purchase now? If so, where can I get one?

  8. Congratulations Stephanie!!! The new site looks awesome and I can't wait to pick up a copy of your new book!

  9. Looks great! Must be that time of year for new websites, as I am working on updating mine as well:) Congrats, on the new book!

  10. Oh my gosh, Steph! This site looks amazing, and I am so excited for your new book!! I hope the journey was worth it in the end. We had a similar struggle - launching a new product with Kimberly Clark that they dropped after two years due to the economy - and I am so glad that you just got mad and did it on your own!! Good for you, girl :)

  11. First off, the site looks great. She did great work! The newness won't scare me away. Secondly, I LOVE the idea of your journal. Yes, I do need something like that! I think we all wonder where we rate as human beings (is it weird that I just said that?) and if we are actually doing and remembering all we should and need to do. Best wishes for success!

  12. Love the new site; congratulations!

  13. I love the new site design. Snaps to the designer. :)

  14. I love the new site design. It makes a lot of sense with all of your ventures and topics. Snaps to the designer and to you for jumping in to what was probably scary waters. :)

  15. Yay, and I have your new book! Going to do a review on it soon. Funny, when I got it I didn't know at first that it was YOU - the crock pot lady whose blog I've been following for ages. Cool :)

  16. I actually squealed out loud when I saw some of those pictures. I NEED this planner. Preferably immediately. If I got it now, how soon would I need a new one? Do you have them set by calendar year or school year?

  17. thank you so much for your comments! I've been so happy with the way the book turned out.

    Lindsey, it'll be in regular bookstores Aug 2.

    Daycare Girl,
    I'm glad you like what you see so far! The new planner starts in Sept, but since it's spiral bound you can essentially begin whenever you'd like. Each month has 5 weeks in it, and you'll date it according to whatever calendar year you're in. There are 5 weeks just in case, but the last week doesn't have any new chores, it's purely for catch up.

  18. Congratulations on the new site design, it looks great!

  19. I love this! I want to buy the planner. I always do much better if I have a to do list!

  20. Steph I'm sooo excited for you!!!! I've been waiting for this book for what seems like forever, so I can imagine how you feel!!!

  21. I love the new site look - very sleek.

    Congratulations on the book!

  22. Love the new site and the planner looks awesome!

  23. Angela7/14/2011

    Looks awesome--what a great baby shower gift for a mom-to-be! (or just a mom!)

  24. Love the site Steph and can't wait to start using the new book!

  25. Anonymous7/14/2011

    Would love an amended planner for non-parents =) I agree with clumsykristel, I was looking for something like this when I bought my new house =P

  26. I came here this morning and I thought "Gee, am I in the right spot?!" I love it and Jennette is awesome. I'm a longtime reader of hers and have both of her books as well as yours. I'll check out the new book of yours!!

  27. I am so excited for you! It looks like an AMAZING tool will help our family tremendously. Can't wait to get it!

  28. So very happy for you! Love the new site and the new book! (Love Franklin Covey, too, did you use the coupon?)

  29. YAY! I'm gunna click over & preorder it!!!
    SO happy that you stuck with it. What a great example you are to all of us.

  30. Love the new website! The sunflower for the O is so appropriate for you with your sunny personality :)

    congrats on the book too! since I miss your emails reminding me to change my sheets, I think this is what I need :)

  31. i've been reading your blog for a long time and i love the new site design. i'm "totally" pre-ordering! thanks for all you do! you are amazing :)

  32. Andrea S.7/14/2011

    Hi Stephanie, love the redesigned site, can't wait to check it out in more detail. Wish I had that planner when my 3 kids were little! I think all mom's deserve a pat on the back at times and a list of things that need done so we don't forget! Bravo to you :)

  33. Love your new site! And the book sounds just wonderful. :)

  34. I LOVE the new look and can't wait to check out the planner. Sounds like something totally up my alley. Keep up the great work.

  35. HURRAH! I am really looking forward to your book, I am so glad you found a publisher.

  36. I'm disappointed Franklin Covey blew you off. They are my favorite; so I'm really quite disappointed in them as a company, and in their judgement. Well, it's their loss isn't it. I hope your product is a sweeping success that blows them away, like Grace Kelly you will be the one that got away.

  37. Congratulations on both the new site and the new book!!!!! I'm a mom, but they are grown now and out on their own. I am taking care of my 83 yr old mom though so this may help me along, seems I have little time these days, which is why I love your blog!!! Take care and keep doing great things Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. Wow, the new book sounds great.

    I am long past being a mom to small children, but I am now a mom to my mom!! :-) And sometimes I feel just as overwhelmed as I did back then. I wonder how much of the book would translate to my situation. Maybe Amazon could give people an option to peek inside the book like it does for so many other books.

    Anyway, whether this would work for me or not, I love your other 2 books, I love your new blog and I think you are great!

  39. Congrats, Stephanie! The new design is pretty, but I have to admit I'm glad I usually read you in a feed reader - your actual content is so narrow it drives me batty. :( It occupies the same space on my screen as the two sidebars combined, and then there's white space left/right of those so actually it's less than half (maybe 1/3?) the screen space. So extra hard to read. :( But I usually read in the feed, and without the ads the full text is very readable.

    Just wanted to say it is pretty, but...unfortunate for showcasing you. Since the ads are both sides at the top and graphical, they almost look like they're more important to you than your content, to me.

  40. I can't wait to order this! I have been a nanny for years and in November we are moving and I'm starting in home care! This is exactly what I need to keep me up on my house cleaning for once!!

  41. Wow, it sounds wonderful!

  42. Anonymous7/15/2011

    I just clicked over to your downloadables. I LOVE that grocery checklist! Thank you so much for providing that for us! I saw a pad like that at Target but it was $8 and I just couldn't bring myself to spend that much on it. So thank you for sharing! :)

  43. Love the new site! I have enjoyed exploring it and will still continue to visit! And congrats on finally getting the book published! What a great concept! I can't wait to check it out in more detail!

  44. Congratulations on the new web site design and more importantly for having the courage to persist when there were so many roadblocks placed in your way. I hope that your book is a resounding success. I sure could have used it when I was a new mother!

  45. Congrats on the integrated website AND the new book! Is your middle name "Tenacious"? ;)

  46. Your book looks awesome. It's like Sidetracked Home Executives meets Flylady but in paper form! How awesome! I might have to buy one!

  47. Congratulations on the new book. It sounds wonderful.

  48. Oh my goodness. Why has no one come up with a planner like this before? I just pre-ordered it from Amazon. Great price too. I am 9 weeks pregnant with my third child so you KNOW I need this planner. Thanks so much for always being such a bright corner of the internet for me to retreat to!

  49. I just pre-ordered it on Amazon. It looks great. :-)

  50. this book is BRILLIANT!!!!!

  51. Congratulations on your new book, I love your site with the slow cooing recipes. Thanks for all the hard work.

  52. I've been on vacation so I'm just now getting over here to say congrats. I'm so thrilled for your success! I think this book is going to be my go-to gift for baby shower gifts!

  53. Oh what I would give/pay for a planner like this for my Iphone! Having this as an APP would be a lifesaver!! I'm going to buy the book so I can be more "together" cause I do need it, but an APP would be AWESOME!!! Just wanted to make that little suggestion. ;-)

  54. I haven't actually seen the book, but would childless people benefit from this? I also need to be reminded when to go to the dentist. (I think there is potential to expand here. You make a version geared toward single people, a version focused on home maintenance, a version for people who care for their elderly parents, etc.)

  55. Fantastic! It's beautiful! And congrats on (finally!) getting the book out!! : ) Have a great week!
    Delle Sherer in SC

  56. Congratulations! I just ordered the book. I have high hopes for it. I've really been looking for something like this and was disappointed for both of us when things didn't work out last time. Good job persevering.

  57. Anonymous7/22/2011

    I'm thrilled for you. Also I'm stoked by the forums link you have up there. I've been following you for a long time both online and on my morning news shows. You are inspiration as I start a new adventure with Gluten Free Detroit Metro. Thank you ;)

  58. Where can I get a copy?

  59. Congratulations, Stephanie! I adore your site and the redesign is wonderful.

    The book sounds great - something I could really use! :)

  60. I just got my copy and am very excited to get started - I work fulltime so I really LOVE your built-in tips / directives! I need them. I do.

    You are already responsible for feeding my family most night - so at this point, you are basically my guardian angel. Thank you!

  61. Stephanie- I am not a blogger or spend much time on the internet, but have just found your site, your wit and cooking wisdom. So very nice. You planner is the same premise as a farmer's almanac, you might want to market it in that capacity as well- lots of rural people use those (a different market).

  62. I am BIG fan of crock pot cooking. Thank you for the fabulous recipes . . . and the honesty about the "duds". So very helpful! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

  63. Bought the planner....LOVING IT! Sometimes you just need it all laid out for you :) Thank you!!!!
